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This was a very different read. Sir Edward Grey was always shown as a more man of thinking and less of action. That he is ready to move and fight the evil forces, of course, but he was never an action hero. In this story arc he seems .... more angry and willing to spill blood. It could be that I am missing something from before but here Grey seems to be more like Baltimore - highly motivated to go and suppress the night creatures that are starting to terrorize the city of London through any means necessary.

Story itself is very interesting - it is good to see that shadowy societies (and lets not forget that Grey is member of such a troop in direct service of the Queen) do work side by side when they encounter the common enemy. It seems that end of XIX and start of XX century [in Hellboy's universe] were years of great dangers. Although ending is positive it is made obvious how very fragile the established balance is and how easy is to plunge the world into literal hell.

Art as always is great.

Highly recommended to all fans of Hellboy universe and horror stories in general.
Zare | Jan 23, 2024 |
MeditationesMartini | Oct 16, 2013 |
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