Nancy Thomas (disambiguation)
"Nancy Thomas" is composed of at least 6 distinct authors, divided by their works.
About the Author
Author Division
Nancy Thomas (5)
Resurrect My Voice 2 copies
Nancy Thomas (unknown)
Nancy Thomas 1 copy
Common Knowledge
- Disambiguation notice
- (1) Thomas, Nancy L., president of Families by Design which assists families with Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD) and Early Childhood Trauma
(2) Thomas, Nancy J., creative director at Lion Brand Yarn Company
(3) Thomas, Nancy (1948-), curator and director of art administration and collection at LACMA
(4) Thomas, Nancy, contemporary American artist and illustrator, based in Norfolk, Virginia
(5) Thomas, Nancy, Quaker poet, writer, and missionary
(6) Thomas, Nancy (1970- ), Canadian author and artist