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8 Works 186 Members 4 Reviews

About the Author

Martha Thompson writes to stir up inner reflection to aid personal growth and self healing. She is a teacher, therapist and medium. Inspired by her own spiritual guide called Ellis.

Includes the name: Martha Thompson

Works by Martha Thompson


Common Knowledge




I found this really helpful. I particularly liked the way Martha shares her story with the reader. It made me realize that at any point, any moment, no matter how depressed I might be feeling, all I had to do was reach out and help was there. Through sharing the everyday type of problems she faced and seeing how she dealt with them I’ve started to feel much more positive about resolving my own situation. I’ve started to follow her advice to sit down for ten minutes a day and ask, what does my Divine Self need today? It instantly makes me feel better. There is so much uplifting information in this book as well as common sense advice, it truly is inspirational. It also made me think hard about some aspects of our existence and I found the information about death and dying very comforting and uplifting. A great book.… (more)
Michaela_James | 2 other reviews | May 28, 2012 |
I’m so glad I read this inspirational book. Some spiritual self-help books I’ve read have come across as a bit superior and preachy and that puts me off instantly. If I’m in trouble or feeling vulnerable I want understanding and support and I don’t want to be made to feel even more inferior. This book makes it seem as if you’re sitting down with your best friend, or maybe your mum; someone who really cares for you. It’s packed with examples from Martha’s own life on how to overcome despair and the day to day challenges we all face. The warm style of this book really resonates with me in a very positive way. I gained much more from her generous openness and honesty than I would ever have gained from just exercises to follow on their own without any personal input. I’m going to keep this close by and spend just a short time each day reading the bits that are relevant to me that day and letting the information work on me. There are also lots of teachings on things like ghosts and Heaven and Hell, all of which I found very reassuring. I’d recommend this to anyone who wants to change their life but isn’t sure how to start.… (more)
Sara_Geller | 2 other reviews | May 28, 2012 |
My Divine Self
by Martha Thompson

Sometimes good things come in tiny packages, and this 77 page gem did nothing short of blow me away. All the stuff I knew, all the stuff I needed to hear all in one place. Presented so perfectly that it went right through me. I loved the style of this little darling because the author in her infinite wisdom mixed spiritual truths with personal examples so I could easily apply it to my own life.

The topics were tailored to life and living and being and made all the sense in the world. This short and sweet messenger has completely made it's way into my spiritual toolbox and I would recommend this dynamic primer to anyone wanting simple straightforward help in these confusing times. Thanks Martha, you are blessed.

Love & Light,

Riki Frahmann
… (more)
biunicorn | 2 other reviews | Apr 9, 2012 |
based on a building block unit that author calls triangle gems. This building unit is used for many variation on block construction.
Timberlanequilters | Jul 27, 2011 |

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