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Örnólfur Thorsson

Author of The Sagas of Icelanders

8+ Works 2,595 Members 18 Reviews 3 Favorited

About the Author

Works by Örnólfur Thorsson

Associated Works

Njal's Saga (1350) — Editor, some editions — 2,477 copies, 22 reviews
The Saga of Grettir the Strong (1997) — Translator, some editions — 589 copies, 11 reviews


Common Knowledge

Canonical name
Thorsson, Örnólfur
Other names
Thorsson, Ornolfur
Country (for map)
Places of residence
Reykjavik, Iceland
University of Iceland
Secretary General



My thoughts on the individual sagas as I read through:

Egil's saga: Egil is a massive jerk, but maybe that's part of the point. Highlights are his drunken 3-year-old shenanigans and vomiting on a guy who insulted him. I've read this before as a standalone saga.

Vatnsdal saga: This starts off with a far more conventionally heroic hero. Knowing that these sagas are quasi-historical however, I can't help but wonder whether the main family protecting their community from practitioners of "witchcraft" might be a justification for all the people they murdered in order to stay in power. Conspiracy!

Laxardal Saga: Supposedly the crown jewel of Icelandic literature. Slow to get going. Makes me think twice about crossing Icelandic women - you want to divorce her for wearing breeches? Be prepared for her to wear breeches as she comes to stab you in bed! The main action of the story is an unfortunate feud which develops between foster-brothers surrounding a marriage. We also get Snorri the Godi who I'm pretty sure features in other sagas - he's a bit of a wily one!

Bolli Bollasons Tale: Some extra content focusing on one of the main characters from the above saga. A short episode detailing Bolli's trip to the north and the trouble he got into.

...okay I didn't get around to reviewing every tale, but I did read them all. Great stuff, but I'm all saga'd out for a while now!
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weemanda | 17 other reviews | Nov 2, 2023 |
Overall, a really fascinating and excellent volume, with very useful contextual and textual information. The sagas themselves can get a bit dry and repetitive in parts, but no matter.
1 vote
JBD1 | 17 other reviews | Jan 22, 2022 |
This one's a collection of sagas from Iceland, naturally. Set in the era from roughly 850-1060, they tell the stories of the notable people who settled and lived in Iceland, and, in some cases, their travels from Rome to Newfoundland. In one sense, it's history--the people in the sagas were probably real. But there does seem to be embellishments to the stories, so one can't really tell what parts are factual and what parts are fiction. But fact or fiction, it does give an interesting and enjoyable glimpse into a people and place 1000 years past. Check it out!
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Hamburgerclan | 17 other reviews | Aug 4, 2020 |
This book is immediately misleading in that the title might make you think it contains all the Icelandic sagas. It does not; not even close. What it does contain is two of the longest sagas and a selection of the shorter ones (including the Vinland Sagas) as well as a selection of "Tales".

This single volume is a Penguin reprint of part of the complete multi-volume translation into English of all the Icelandic mediaeval sagas and tales conducted under the general editorship of Ornolfur Thorsson by a collective of translators and advisory academics. The approach taken offers the benefits of consistency, a simple example being that obscure words are given the same translation into English uniformly across all the works.

This volume includes copious supporting material that sets the Icelandic Sagas in their historical, social and literary contexts and provides useful additional information such as family trees that show the interelations of families within and between sagas, diagrams of typical farms and farm houses and Viking sea vessels and a glossary of obscure terms and an index of characters, all of which I found useful. So much for the book in general.

Egil's Saga
It's a long time since I read this but my lasting impression is that of a work that sits in an odd place on the literary map. Imagine genres as territories; fiction would be one area, history another, biography another and so on but defining the boundaries exactly would be difficult - is myth fiction or history? for example - nevermind delimiting the internal genre boundaries within fiction.

This saga lands partially within the bounds of all the above mentioned; it's clearly family history and the biography of Egil specifically but such things as shapeshifters are talked about in passing with the same kind of matter-of-fact casualness as Viking raids and farming. Fantastical elements are few and far between, however and never the focus of the narrative, which rarely spends time in Iceland, prefering Norway and even England, where blood feuds, Kings and battles share time with farming, poetry and romances.

Treating the work as a novel will likely lead to disappointment; looking at it as a window into a very alien past might lead to fascination.

The Tale of Thorstein Staff-struck
I love how this stuff sounds like you're sat round the fire down the pub, of a snowy mid-winter's night, and some guy says, "Let me tell you the story of..." in this case a typically violent tale of mis-deed, revenge, single combat and bizarre outcome - plus some genealogy, of course.
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Arbieroo | 17 other reviews | Jul 17, 2020 |



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