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Alain Vircondelet

Author of Vanished Splendors : a Memoir

61+ Works 293 Members 4 Reviews 1 Favorited

About the Author

Includes the name: Vircondelet Alain

Works by Alain Vircondelet

Duras: A Biography (1991) 32 copies, 1 review
John Paul II (1994) — Author — 13 copies
Saint-Exupéry : Vérité et légendes (2012) 12 copies, 2 reviews
Venedig, 3 Bde. (2006) 10 copies
Balthus and Cats (2013) 10 copies
Venice - Lifestyle Vol 3 (2006) 6 copies
Venise (French Edition) (2008) 5 copies
Venice (2006) 5 copies
VENICE (2006) 4 copies
La Princesse de Lamballe (1995) 4 copies
Guernica 1937 (2018) 4 copies
Des amours de légende (2013) 3 copies
L'enfance de Jean-Paul II (2002) 3 copies
Les derniers jours de Casanova (2005) 3 copies, 1 review
Séraphine de Senlis (1986) 2 copies
La Traversée (2012) 2 copies
La terreur des chiens (1999) 1 copy
Balthus'un Anilari (2012) 1 copy
Charles de Foucauld (1997) 1 copy
Le Paris de Sagan (2015) 1 copy
Jésus (2007) 1 copy
La vie la vie (2012) 1 copy
Maman la Blanche (1992) 1 copy
Duras (1995) 1 copy

Associated Works

Lettres du dimanche (2001) — Préface et établissement du texte — 3 copies


Common Knowledge



Chtěl být pouhým zahradníkem, ale nakonec prošel tolika obory, tolika profesemi a povoláními, že se jeho život podobá ruským matrjoškám, z nichž každá, od největší po nejmenší, skrývá tisíc a jedno tajemství.
pan_pytlik | 1 other review | Oct 19, 2020 |
Recommended! Alain Vircondelet's biography of the enigmatic Marguerite Duras will satisfy fans of her literature while leaving them with another mystery to solve: her life. Those seeking a fact-filled chronology of her life will be disappointed. Vircondolet does not write a traditional biography. In a way, this is refreshing; we do not need to yawn over endless dates or read lengthy, dry histories of her family members. Yet, at the same time, we miss this. Anyone who has read Duras wants to know MORE of her. Beginning Vircondelet's biography is exciting at first as the keys to Duras' life and personality seem about to be revealed. Upon reading on, it is discovered that there is little to be revealed here other than what we already know from reading her literature into which, of course, she has wound her life. Duras once told a French magazine that she wanted someone to write about her in the style of her own writing. The astonishing part of this biography is that Vircondolet has succeeded in doing this, sounding very much like Marguerite Duras. His sentences roll like waves as hers do, and the reader is lost in a blend of visions, sensuality, and philosophy. DURAS would be a five-star book if the author had managed to ferret out some unknown facts about this amazing writer. But he played his writing on the safe side, and it is not possible to rank this book higher than a four on the rating scale. But Duras' fans should definitely read the biography as it is a bit like having Duras alive again.… (more)
IsolaBlue | Dec 11, 2009 |


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