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About the Author

Kevin Vost, Psy.D., has taught psychology at Lincoln Land Community College, MacMurray College, and the University of Illinois at Springfield

Works by Kevin Vost

One-Minute Aquinas (2014) 91 copies, 2 reviews
Fit for Eternal Life (2007) 54 copies, 1 review
Unearthing Your Ten Talents (2009) 45 copies
Hounds of the Lord (2015) 42 copies


Common Knowledge




In The One-Minute Aquinas, veteran Catholic author Dr. Kevin Vost provides you with simple, readable explanations of St. Thomas's life-giving wisdom.

In these lucid pages, you will read small, digestible portions of St. Thomas's answers to questions such as . . .

Why do souls need the sacraments?
Why didn't Jesus write the Bible himself?
What are simple proofs of God's existence?
What is heaven, and what is it not?
Why did Jesus allow himself to be crucified?
How can I grow quickly in virtue?
Who are the angels and what are their powers?
What is God's power and its limits?
Why did God become man?
Why did Jesus allow himself to be tempted?
And you'll learn countless, but quick, refutations to the relativistic and secular ideas that are so destructive to our culture today.

We are not all called to be intellectuals, but we are called to have an ever deeper understanding of our Faith.
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StFrancisofAssisi | 1 other review | Aug 20, 2024 |
Catholic theology, philosophy
BlitheIngenue | 1 other review | Sep 26, 2020 |
OK, this is amazing. My brother had a book years ago that turned him into a memory freak. (He's the only person I know who buys books like that and then actually works through them.) I picked it up, but it was too complicated (and I'm unbelievably lazy) and I continued on with my normal--or, possibly, subnormal--memory. This book, however, is a whole 'nother thing. I read through it ONCE, and got remarkable results.

It's based on Thomas Aquinas' teachings on memory in his "Summae Theologica." He called it the Loci Method. The basic idea is to imagine your mind as a house. Use each room and its furnishings to remember various facts, lists, etc. Each room can be used over and over again, once you get the hang of things. While St. Thomas used this for religious training, Vost concludes by showing how the method can be used in all areas of life.

Memorization has never been my strong suit....Well, at least memorization of important stuff. I do have both "Major League" and "The Princess Bride" committed to memory along with all the words to Kenny Rogers' "The Gambler." I know, I know........ Anyway, after reading the first 2 chapters once, I can comfortably tell you: 1. The Sermon on the Mount; 2. The 20 Mysteries of the rosary; 3. the 7 deadly sins and cardinal virtues; 4. The 10 commandments.....etc. etc. I can also recite them backwards, although I can't imagine when that would be helpful.

I think every high school freshman should be taught the method on their first day of school (that's all it would take). Even if you're not Catholic, or religious in any way, this book can help you. (I'm I gushing? Did I mention my pathetic inability to remember anything vaguely useful, including why my tv remote was in the freezer?)
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ShanLizLuv | Jun 30, 2009 |
“This book brought the principle of High Intensity Training (HIT) into my life. I know it's not new, but it was new to me. It gives sound nutrition advice, no crazy fad advice or fancy food. The author isn't even big on any supplement other than a multi-vitamin. He believes in the getting the most out of one lifting session per week. The Christian perspective is brought in by discussions of the virtues of temperance and fortitude. Temperance mostly concerned with moderation of diet and fortitude with sticking with a work out plan. Not any better than any other fitness book, but it connected with me I am down 14lbs in the last two and a half month. If your a Christian or don't mind Christian references I think it's a good book.”… (more)
SerpensLiber | Dec 26, 2008 |

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