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17+ Works 758 Members 9 Reviews

About the Author

Roger Walsh, MD is Professor of Psychiatry, philosophy, and Anthropology and Professor in the Religious Studies Program at the University of California at Irvine. He is the author of several books, including The World of Shamanism: New Views of an Ancient Tradition.
Image credit: www.drrogerwalsh.com/

Works by Roger Walsh

Associated Works

Transpersonal Psychotherapy (1980) — Contributor, some editions — 29 copies


Common Knowledge



This definitive work on healing is invaluable for anyone interested in the spiritual path. Ministers, practitioners, spiritual counselors, healers, and the lay reader will all find Walsh's concepts not only inspirational, but consciousness expanding as well.
PendleHillLibrary | 1 other review | Feb 9, 2024 |
Wolrd of Shamanism was an intensive study of the practice of Shamanism from a contemporary scientific perspective. Over the course of the text Shamanism was broadly defined and intricately dissected to put an end to the variety of debates that have been raging in regards to it from the 1960s forward.

The generalized practices of Shamanism are discussed (the Initiation, Shamanic Journey, healing, and psi), certain myths about the practice are denounced (i.e. all Shaman are pathological deceivers, schizophrenic, or manic), and in the end the future of Shamanic practices is discussed in light of Globalization.

The book was intensive, as I said before, and hard to get through at times due to the bulk of information inherent within it. All in all, though, I feel considerably better for having finished it. The book leaves the reader with much to contemplate in terms of the different levels of consciousness and what physical, spiritual, and mental capabilities the body posses that are yet to be discovered.

I would not recommend this book to anyone as light reading, however I would recommend it as a reference or guide to those who are truly interested in the transcendental experience.

… (more)
Lepophagus | 2 other reviews | Jun 14, 2018 |
A psicologia transpessoal, como o próprio nome sugere, aborda o ser humano numa perspectiva que transcende o ego (o "eu", caracterizado por forte senso de identidade) e a consciência de vigília, a chamada consciência normal. A consciência é vista como um campo ou espectro, semelhante ao espectro eletromagnético, onde cada nível ou "freqüência" manifestaria um modo de percepção. Cabe ao terapeuta levar em conta as diferentes percepções do paciente, mesmo aquelas derivadas de estados tidos como anormais ou doentios, e ajudá-lo a atingir níveis superiores de consciência, nos quais o autoconhecimento e o sentido de unicidade liberam o indivíduo dos conflitos egóicos, proporcionando-lhe uma vida serena e prazerosa.… (more)
firmiana | 1 other review | Jun 20, 2011 |
This book is a good for a basic overview of practices and beliefs found within various traditional shamanic traditions around the world. This book looks at shamanism from an almost psychological perspective, and is very much a anthropological book in that way. This book is not a how-to book. This book is well written and well sourced. It was a good read for me.
earthlistener | 2 other reviews | May 11, 2010 |

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