Picture of author.

Anne White (3)

Author of An Affinity for Murder

For other authors named Anne White, see the disambiguation page.

5 Works 103 Members 6 Reviews 1 Favorited


Works by Anne White

An Affinity for Murder (2001) 33 copies, 2 reviews
Best Laid Plans (A Lake George Mystery) (2006) 22 copies, 1 review
Cold Winter Nights (2009) 8 copies, 2 reviews


Common Knowledge

Places of residence
Glens Falls, New York
Short biography
After Anne White's first Lake George Mystery, An Affinity For Murder, was awarded a Malice Domestic Unpublished Writers' Grant in 1999 and a Malice Domestic Best First Mystery nomination in 2002, she continued the series with Beneath The Surface (2005), Best Laid Plans (2006), Secrets Dark and Deep (2007), and Cold Winter Nights (December 2009). White's protagonist, Loren Graham, a former New Yorker, now mayor of the sleepy lakeside town of Emerald Point, can't seem to help getting involved in sheriff's department business, especially when murder is involved. Anne White is a member of MWA and Sisters in Crime, the National, New York and New England chapters, and the New York State Retired Teachers Association. Anne lives in Glens Falls, NY and is a member of Sisters in Crime, Mystery Writers of America, the Lake George Arts Project, the Adirondack Center For Writing, and the Lower Adirondack Regional Arts Council. In conjunction with her novels, she writes articles for Mystery Scene, Mystery Readers Journal and local and regional publications. She is married and the mother of six children.
Check her out at www.annewhitemysteries.com



I have always been fascinated by the art of Georgia O'Keeffe and this is an intriguing mystery to open a new series by the mother of author Kate White. This may be Anne White's first novel but I never would have guessed if I hadn't seen that as part of the marketing.

I'm hooked and can't wait to continue reading the series.
FerneMysteryReader | 1 other review | Nov 9, 2019 |
Reading this novel was as bittersweet as reading "Assault & Beret" (Hat Shop Mystery #5) by Jenn McKinlay. It is difficult to come to the end of a series with characters that you have come to enjoy spending time with in a setting created by the author such as Emerald Point, NY.

I couldn't put this series down. It reminded me of when I first started reading Sue Grafton's mysteries. I enjoyed the first one so much that I wondered if she would keep my interest as the series continued. And with the same delight, I found that Anne White's writing continued to elevate with each novel in this series. I hope she writes another series!

Until then ~ I discovered another wonderful article/interview with Author Anne White from 08-Feb-2010, shortly after release of "Cold Winter Nights."
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FerneMysteryReader | 1 other review | Nov 9, 2019 |
I do not select books to read based on the cover art but I was intrigued by the dramatic difference between the artwork on the first cover and the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th novel of the series. The answer is the change in publisher. The 2nd, 3rd, and 4th novels were published by Stephanie and Shawn Reilly of Hilliard and Harris which in turn offers the book design services of S.A. Reilly. I only wish that the remainder of the series had also been published by Oak Tree Press, Springfield, IL. Cover Design by Yvet and Cover Art by Mary Montague Sikes for "Affinity for Murder" added to the overall experience with the beautiful and intriguing design of a white orchid on black as referenced in the telling of Lake George's most famous summer resident, Georgia O'Keeffe. For me, the art design by S.A. Reilly added nothing to the series and actually detracted the series experience.

Anne White's writing however continues to swirl the reader into the life of main character, Mayor Loren Graham, her neighbors, friends, and the community of Emerald Point. I have really enjoyed the faster pace of the novels than can be found in some cozy mysteries which is also shown by my delight in just wanting to pick up one novel after another to resume reading the series. I can hardly believe that I'll now move to the final novel in the series, "Cold Winter Nights."


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FerneMysteryReader | Nov 9, 2019 |
I enjoyed reading "Beneath the Surface" even more than "An Affinity for Murder." In the 1st novel in the series, I was captivated by the intrigue of the possibility of a "secret cache of paintings which may have been the work of Lake George's most famous summer resident, Georgia O'Keeffe."

In this novel, Loren Graham has become the mayor of Emerald Point having lived in the small town for four (4) years after taking her grandfather's house -perhaps more aptly described as a cabin- off the market. As I loved Nancy Drew mysteries when I was in the 4th grade, Loren Graham reminds me of an adult version of Nancy Drew.

There is an interesting cast of characters that surface as the mysterious question is answered as to what happened to the young teenage girl, Tammy Stevenson, that disappeared about a year ago. As the question is answered, the reader learns more about Emerald Point's economic state and the perils of a resort town that is dependent on good weather for a tourist trade that only visits for a few short weeks each year.

I'm looking forward to the next novel in the series.
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FerneMysteryReader | Nov 9, 2019 |


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Mary Montague Sikes Cover artist
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½ 3.4

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