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Anna Whitelock

Author of Mary Tudor: Princess, Bastard, Queen

2 Works 724 Members 17 Reviews

About the Author

Anna Whitelock is an author who wrote The Queen¿s Bed: An Intimate History of Elizabeth¿s Court, which won a PEN Literary Awards 2015, for the PEN/Jacqueline Bograd Weld Award for Biography. (Bowker Author Biography)

Includes the name: Anna Whitelock

Works by Anna Whitelock


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This biography of Mary Tudor reads almost like a novel and with a life as dramatic as Mary Tudor's, it makes for easy reading. The author is clearly sympathetic to Mary and her circumstances, and I appreciate that stance in a biographer. I do wish more had been included about Mary's governance, her approach to politics, the extent of her religious transformation, and analysis of her foreign policy. The glimpses of these aspects are intriguing - Mary sometimes stood her ground in the face of opposition from her councilors, her husband, and even the Pope toward the end of her reign - I would love to read more about her motivations in these circumstances, as clearly she was more powerful and more adept than one may otherwise be led to think. Overall, this was a good biography of a queen often overlooked in favor of her more glamorous sister, but certainly one worth learning more about.… (more)
wagner.sarah35 | 10 other reviews | Nov 7, 2021 |
Anna Whitelock's biography of Mary Tudor is a good political narrative of her life and career. In it, she makes a convincing case that Mary was a far more successful queen than she has traditionally been given credit for, and that she redefined the English monarchy in her five years on the throne. Her book's primary weakness is the fleeting treatment she gives to the non-political aspects of Mary's life, with only passing references to other aspects of her personality. Readers seeking a more comprehensive treatment of Mary's life might want to turn to Linda Porter's recent biography of the queen, yet for anyone seeking to understand Mary's reign this is an excellent place to begin.… (more)
MacDad | 10 other reviews | Mar 27, 2020 |
This was not a bad book. It is certainly well written, and easy to read. It just did not have much new information for me. I do have an extensive Tudor history library, so I need something meatier than this book. I do think this one is perfect for someone just beginning their ownTudor journey.
a1stitcher | 10 other reviews | Jun 22, 2019 |
I've read several excellent books on Elizabeth I but this one is unique in its focus on her women of the bedchamber and her male courtiers.
ShelleyAlberta | 5 other reviews | Jun 4, 2016 |



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