Author picture

Karen B. Winnick

Author of Mr. Lincoln's Whiskers

14 Works 549 Members 27 Reviews

About the Author

Includes the name: Karen Winnick

Works by Karen B. Winnick

Mr. Lincoln's Whiskers (1996) 349 copies, 8 reviews
Sybil's Night Ride (2000) 59 copies
Can You Spot the Leopard?: An African Safari (2022) 24 copies, 13 reviews
Barn Sneeze (2002) 22 copies
A Year Goes Round: Poems for the Months (2001) 16 copies, 2 reviews
The Night of the Fireflies (2004) 14 copies
Patch and the strings (1977) 5 copies
Hank, The Ballpark Pup (2014) 4 copies
How Lucky Got His Shoe (2016) 3 copies
Sandro's Dolphin (1980) 1 copy


Common Knowledge



hcs_admin | 7 other reviews | Apr 12, 2023 |
This review was written for LibraryThing Early Reviewers.
This book is a solid 3.5 stars. I rounded up on the rating because I think it would be closer to a 4 but not quite a 4. Thank you to the author for sending a lovely autographed copy.

The illustrations in the book are lovely. I know they will appeal to children as they appealed to me. They are soft paintings with a focus on the animals featured in the page's poem. I like that there is not a lot going on in the back ground of the illustrations and that the colors are mostly blue, green, grey, brown, and black with a smattering of yellows and pinks; true nature colors without a lot of gaudy attention grabbing colors thrown in. This is a book we can safely read to calm at bedtime or even for a slowdown in the middle of the day.

I liked some of the poems quite well. It is good poetry, but obviously not Robert Frost. I liked it but not as well as say Joyce Sidman's poetry. Perhaps it is not exactly my style. When I went through and read it again however, I liked it better. I think if I read it out loud to my 6yr old I would have fun with it. We just haven't gotten a chance yet.

My oldest (16) declared this a "nice book." We are picture book aficionados so her buy off is usually a good sign. While this book is not destined to be one of our favorites, it is one I will keep on my shelf because of the artwork, subject matter (African animals), and poetry combination.
… (more)
Jesslaw | 12 other reviews | Jan 17, 2023 |
This review was written for LibraryThing Early Reviewers.
Karen Winnick's book caught my attention as I am a fan of big cats. I received a copy of this book from Library Thing in exchange for a review. While I don't have any children yet, I enjoyed the exquisite illustrations and inspiring poems. This book makes me long for a real visit to Africa! I will hang onto this unlessl I find a child who might benefit from it.
gelatocartman | 12 other reviews | Jan 15, 2023 |
This review was written for LibraryThing Early Reviewers.
A beautifully illustrated book. Probably better for slightly older kids, since the ratio of text to illustration is quite high. Older elementary school age children would probably enjoy reading this on their own, especially if they love animals!
Loisthelion | 12 other reviews | Jan 15, 2023 |


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