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Works by Kathleen E. Yancosek


Common Knowledge

Occupational Therapist



Self help guide and practice exercises to hand write better with both hands.

Handwriting for Hero’s by Kathleen E. Yancosek

Written by Jackie Paulson©2013

I would like to thank review the book dot com for a free copy for my review.
The workbook is a six week program to teach you how to write left handed. I am right handed and enjoyed each of the exercises. I felt like I was in kindergarten when doing the pages because when I write with my right hand it is so easy but when I write with my left hand it was such a challenge. I loved the challenge and took it on and have to admit that I did it faster than I had expected. I also think that it used my brain in a form that I was not aware I had. If someone has an injury to their hand they can use this book to learn how to write again and this is the first book of the kind published. What a great idea!
I think all doctors’ offices, chiropractors, and anyone who helps others with healing from injuries would benefit from this book. Doctors could order in bulk and give them away. I am very impressed with Kathleen E. Yancosek and her idea to publish this one of a kind book on handwriting.
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jackie1966 | 1 other review | Jul 1, 2013 |
Occupational Therapists Kathleen E. Yancosek and Kristin Gulick collaborate in their 2009 release titled, “Handwriting for Heroes: Learn to Write with Your Non-dominant Hand in Six Weeks”. A solid six week regime, their daily exercises are coupled with motivational messages and hope towards recovery and normalcy for their readers.

“Handwriting for Heroes” is written with the adult reader in mind. While various physical or mental injuries and amputation can happen to anyone at any age, this volume recognizes the discouraging effect an elementary-level handwriting book can have on an adult attempting to relearn this basic but essential life skill. The seven daily practices the reader is to accomplish are mature yet interesting, keeping readers from feeling ‘talked down to’ by a children’s workbook. Each of the exercises focuses on cursive form instead of printing. Further, several topics are addresses between lessons, such as additional non-writing exercises to strengthen fine motor skills, chair height, lighting, paper position, writing surface, stretching techniques, holding a pen or pencil, and pain.

While I am neither injured nor have any problems with my dominant hand, my interest in completing “Handwriting for Heroes: Learn to Write with Your Non-dominant Hand in Six Weeks” was simply to try something new. And it’s a lot harder than it looks! Having specific exercises to complete each day made the learning process much more disciplined and I stuck to it much better than if I would have attempted to just do this on my own. Yancosek and Gulick write in tones of love and encouragement, showing empathy for their readers while pushing them to believe they can succeed and return to a life of normalcy.

“Handwriting for Heroes” is an essential tool for the recovery of both body and spirit. Occupational Therapists, Prosthetics and Orthotics professionals, and those recovering from amputation, severe physical injury, or stroke can all benefit from the information and exercises contained in this book. Authors Kathleen E. Yancosek and Kristin Gulick deliver tried and true methods from week one through week six on accomplishing this goal and even include a certificate of completion at the conclusion.

-- Reviewed by Vicki Landes, author of “Europe for the Senses – A Photographic Journal”
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travelvic | 1 other review | Sep 3, 2010 |

