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5 Works 703 Members 34 Reviews

About the Author

Michael Yankoski is a writer, aspiring theologian, and urban homesteader who dreams of becoming a competent woodworker, musician, and sailor. He received his MA in theological studies at Regent College in Vancouver, British Columbia, is a (novitiate) Oblate of St. Benedict, and has authored four show more books. Michael grew up in Indiana, where he and his wife are pursuing PhDs at the University of Notre Dame. Web: www.MichaelYankoski.com Facebook: fb.com/myankoski Twitter: @michaelyankoski show less

Works by Mike Yankoski


Common Knowledge



What an incredible story of a guy who decided he needed to see if he was willing to put into practice what he preached. This college student and a friend left school for a semester to live on the streets as homeless people to see what it was really like. Did they really have the faith to face such a scary unknown...great book! I read 90 pages the first time I picked it up in the bookstore (before I ever got to the check out).
radiojen | 29 other reviews | Nov 5, 2024 |
Publishers description:

Frustrated and disillusioned with his life as a Christian motivational speaker, Michael Yankoski was determined to stop merely talking about living a life of faith and start experiencing it. The result was a year dedicated to engaging in spiritual practices, both ancient and modern, in a life-altering process that continues to this day. Whether contemplating an apple for an hour before tasting it (attentiveness), eating on $2.00 a day (simplicity) or writing simple letters of thanks (gratitude), Michael discovered a whole new depth through the intentional life.

My Grade: B Started off strong and kept its momentum until the last couple chapters which got a bit too preachy. I found it pretty amazing that someone who had spent a good part of his life as a "professional Christian" was unaware of some of the basic spiritual practices that have been a part of Christianity for centuries. Interesting to see his reaction to them and how they each affected him. Worth reading even if it did end on a weaker note.
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ReaderWriterRunner | 3 other reviews | Jul 27, 2021 |
Words that come to mind as I finish this book: Disappointing. Overwrought. Angst. Overindulgent. Whiny.
By the end he is still leaving people's wet clothes on the washer, complaining, and quite frankly, doesn't seem like he put an entire indulgent homeless year with the divine practices to much good use. But that is me now being whiny and judgmental, harumph, where did that come from?!
At places the writing is lovely but overall punchy, often overwrought, and never offers a pace for the reader to lean into the work and enjoy it.
I also really hate his translation and use of the beautiful expression of Selah.
Not for me.
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Bead_109 | 3 other reviews | Apr 2, 2018 |
This is a great book following Michael Yankoski's one year exploration of Spiritual practices. During his year he moved from cynical disillusionment with American Christianity and an inner life that did not match his public persona as a sought after conference speaker to someone whose practice repeatedly leads into a deeper way of being.

I have bloggeed about this book several times: you can read my posts here:

rel="nofollow" _target="_top">http://thoughtsprayersandsongs.com/2014/07/12/michael-yankoskis-sacred-year-not-...
http://thoughtsprayersandsongs.com/2014/08/30/even-more-thoughts-on-michael-yank...… (more)
Jamichuk | 3 other reviews | May 22, 2017 |

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