Author picture

Tae-Eun Yoo

Author of When the Storm Comes

8+ Works 921 Members 42 Reviews 1 Favorited

Works by Tae-Eun Yoo

When the Storm Comes (2020) — Illustrator — 403 copies, 3 reviews
You Are a Lion!: And Other Fun Yoga Poses (2012) 215 copies, 19 reviews
The Little Red Fish (2007) 142 copies, 8 reviews
Round (2017) — Illustrator — 130 copies, 11 reviews
Love Makes a Garden Grow (2023) 25 copies, 1 review
Tout rond (2018) 1 copy

Associated Works

A Wrinkle in Time (1962) — Cover artist, some editions — 41,252 copies, 991 reviews
A Wind in the Door (1973) — Cover artist, some editions — 13,087 copies, 125 reviews
Many Waters (1986) — Cover artist, some editions — 8,301 copies, 65 reviews
An Acceptable Time (1989) — Cover artist, some editions — 5,086 copies, 48 reviews
A Velocity of Being: Letters to a Young Reader (2018) — Illustrator — 255 copies, 3 reviews
Only a Witch Can Fly (2009) — Illustrator — 190 copies, 15 reviews
The Umbrella Queen (2008) — Illustrator — 159 copies, 6 reviews
So Many Days (2010) — Illustrator — 96 copies, 5 reviews


Common Knowledge



I have no idea how this is still on my WTR list when I've used it in storytime and yoga programs a LOT. This is a wonderful, engaging book to get kids (I used it with preschoolers today) moving and have them make silly sounds. Parents will likely join in too. The short, simple poems accompanied by bright illustrations make for a memorable story and a great intro to yoga!
EllAreBee | 18 other reviews | Nov 16, 2024 |
Independent reading level 4-8
Awards: The Best Children's Books of the Year (2021)
lprince83 | 2 other reviews | Apr 30, 2024 |
Whole Class Reading Ages 4- 8.
cpaiz | 2 other reviews | Apr 29, 2024 |
Love and family bloom and radiate on every page to create a heart-filled read.

A young girl spends time with her grandfather in his greenhouse and garden, enjoying their time together. She watches as he waters each plant, and he even gifts her one full of blossoms. As time goes on and she grows, his garden becomes smaller and smaller. Still, she remembers those moments, and while his garden isn't large, the love and flowers never completely disappear.

This is a celebration of family, especially the love between a grandfather and grandchild. Starting with a young girl and the hours she spends with her grandfather and his plants, the book progresses through time. The girl grows and goes her own way, while the grandfather ages, and while he doesn't lose his love for gardening, age forces him to draw back. Time flows calmly forward like a gentle stream. While the girl grows older, a bitter-sweetness takes over as she dreams and thinks of her grandfather. The entire thing ends like a loving hug, making it a feel-good-read with heart.

The scenes are bright but thanks to the sponged texture, carry a gentler tone. The feelings come across clearly, whether happy, sad, or longing. The bright, pink blossoms of the gifted flower pop just enough against the the greens and more neutral blossoms to catch attention without demanding it. And as a cute extra, there's the dog which ages right along with the girl. A new one appears when her own daughter joins the tale, adding a subtle message, which slides right in with the rest of read.

This is a book to cuddle up with and enjoy for quieter reading times. Plus, it can be used to inspire small green thumbs it grow their own flowers to create gifts of love.
… (more)
tdrecker | May 30, 2023 |



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