Iowa Children's Choice Award2023

Given by Iowa Association of School Librarians (IASL)

18 Works 6,239 Books 287 Reviews 4.1
Purpose of the Iowa Children's Choice Award

To encourage to read more and better books

To provide an avenue for positive dialogue between teachers, parents, and children about books and authors

To show more give recognition to those who write books for children

To provide children an opportunity to choose a book to receive the award

To offer an avenue for students to suggest books for the yearly reading list

The Iowa Children's Choice Award is unique in that it gives children an opportunity to choose the book to receive the award and to suggest books for the yearly reading list.

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All, Winner (44), Nominee (341)
All, 2024 (21), 2023 (18), 2022 (17), 2021 (20), 2020 (20), 2019 (20), 2018 (22), 2017 (20), 2016 (20), 2015 (17), 2014 (25), 2013 (21), 2012 (22), 2011 (15), 2010-2011 (1), 2010 (10), 2009 (13), 2008 (8), 2007 (4), 2006 (1), 2005 (1), 2004 (1), 2003 (1), 2002 (1), 2001 (1), 2000 (1), 1999 (1), 1998 (1), 1997 (1), 1996 (1), 1995 (1), 1994 (1), 1993 (1), 1992 (1), 1991 (1), 1990 (1), 1989 (1), 1988 (1), 1987 (1), 1986 (1), 1985 (1), 1984 (1), 1983 (1), 1982 (1), 1981 (1), 1980 (1)


adventure(3,264) animals(2,118) autism(1,058) bullying(945) chapter book(3,573) children(2,017) children's(4,148) children's books(753) children's fiction(1,491) children's literature(1,785) coming of age(737) death(740) dogs(1,563) family(4,993) fantasy(4,596) fiction(14,530) friends(645) friendship(5,055) ghosts(777) grade 5(1,223) grade 6(1,046) graphic novel(1,542) historical fiction(4,526) history(640) horror(775) humor(2,168) J Fiction(810) juvenile(1,645) juvenile fiction(1,765) kids(1,063) magic(826) middle grade(2,778) middle school(1,435) mystery(4,126) Newbery(690) Newbery Honor(1,433) novel(1,585) orphans(967) poetry(1,415) read(1,334) realistic fiction(6,275) school(1,679) science fiction(1,820) series(1,717) siblings(1,029) to-read(8,941) war(647) wwii(741) young adult(2,487)

Top Members

RLNunezKPL (255 works), stjcommunityschool (244), sacredheartlibrary (213), stansteiner (175), mhagenberg (169), Saunders_Library (163), OMSspartans (161), DWEmma (145), matthewbloome (145), ltfl_mountviewms (144), MillPondLibrary (144), Cheryl_in_CC_NV (138), ltcl (138), ltfl_isblib (134), ghsmediacenter (132), mffowler (132), TamiNewell (126), coveschool (118), kday_working (118), keeneam (118), kswin (118), Sharquin (118), SMSTechnology (118), stteresa (118), tglovell (118), Casey.Woodard (116), brauer57 (115), Kaethe (114), Robinsonstef (113), HTLSLibrary (112), LutheranSouthUnity (112), amandabock (111), manlius (111), bkladyatl (108), iles (108), OSLS (108), rbauer42 (106), janegend (105), librarian515 (105), ThomasAcademy (105), PegD (104), Summer345456 (104), abiquaacademylibrary (103), Long-Viewbooks (101), AmyTF (100), bulldogsread (100), jeaton82 (100), saramcla (100), lcs.denver (98), Sarah7788 (98), sjstigers (98), chinatowne (96), Pages_Aplenty (96), Rutherford5 (96), mwalkerlib (93), HayesEL (92), Merryann (92), tlakelibrary (92), johnkalkowski (91), kesser (91), csfoster (90), GateCityLibrary (90), goodreads (90), GowanScienceAcademy (90), GPLDYouthServices (90), jwindisch (90), kevindseal (90), rvclibrary (90), Salsabrarian (90), shillcutt (90), pigeonlover (89), Whisper1 (89), CLSLibrary (88), goingmb (88), GWYN23 (88), jennybeast (88), LibrarianDest (88), titopeter (87), cabyrum (86), JennyArch (86), MissOertel (86), theEcole (86), ASIJ (85), ccscyclones (85), doloress (85), eduscapes (85), HCCrittendenLibrary (85), LMS_Library (85), pvlmc (85), Carolyn.Lutz (84), Conway_Library (84), CuriosityWorkshop (84), elebris (84), TrinityLuthLibrary (84), ewyatt (83), fiddlehead (83), kteacherSC (83), RTCALibrary (83), kraZ8 (82), byurigirl (81), ejmam (81), snarica (81), weber93 (81), Yarmouth-GRollins (81), leslie.eiben (80), mpettit7974 (80), saillergirl (80), alaskabookworm (79), mhaloin (79), smit1286 (79), stals (79), KLoeffler (78), meckert13 (78), saishac (78), StWenceslausSchool (78), AMQS (77), BenCarsonReading (77), bfritzlibrary (77), jervin1 (77), LectricLibrary (77), SJSEagles (77), fancifulgirl (76), foggidawn (76), jcm790 (76), purplethings (76), brudder (75), zjeszay (75), alissa.lavender (74), LarryGuthrie (74), mosylu1 (74), SANDILANDS2017 (74), Mrs.davis (73), scdoyle68 (73), ksherry6 (72), prkcs (72)