Keystone to Reading Book Award2023

Given by Keystone State Literacy Association

30 Works 3,409 Books 166 Reviews 4.0
As a reading educator or secondary student in the state of Pennsylvania, teachers, librarians, MS and HS students have a unique opportunity to read the latest quality fiction and non-fiction books show more published.   Participating in the Keystone Book Awards Program sponsored by the Keystone State Reading Association is a great learning opportunity as well as a way to pick the winning books for author awards in the state of Pennsylvania. Two divisions are provided—Elementary and Secondary.  The Keystone to Elementary Book Awards is divided into three sub-groups: Preschool (Pre-K), Primary (K-3), and Intermediate (4-6), and an educator must oversee the participation of students.  Teachers agree to read a specified number of books to their students from the appropriate list (three preschool, four primary, or three intermediate) or have the books available for independent reading in their classrooms. The secondary division includes a Middle School list for 6th -8th graders; middle school students must participate through an educator. The High School list is available for 9th-12th graders, and participation may be sent in by educators or individual students.  Students must have read at least 4 of the books from the list to participate. Books chosen for the list are current publications that have been read and voted to the list by a committee of PA reading educators.  Additional resources, including annotated booklists, participation guidelines and forms, as well as the lists of previous winners can be found on the KSRA website at under Resources.  Student votes must be turned in by March 15th. show less
All, Winner (97), Nominee (117)
All, 2024 (50), 2023 (30), 2022 (5), 2021 (5), 2020 (5), 2019 (5), 2018 (5), 2017 (5), 2016 (39), 2015 (5), 2014 (5), 2013 (3), 2012 (2), 2011 (2), 2010 (2), 2009 (2), 2008 (2), 2007 (2), 2006 (2), 2005 (2), 2004 (2), 2003 (2), 2002 (2), 2001 (2), 2000 (3), 1999 (2), 1998 (2), 1997 (1), 1996 (1), 1995 (1), 1994 (1), 1993 (1), 1992 (1), 1991 (1), 1990 (1), 1989 (1), 1988 (1), 1987 (1), 1986 (1), 1985 (1)

Winner 5

Nominee 28

The Eyeball Alphabet Book (Jerry Pallotta's Alphabet Books) by Jerry PallottaElementary Award, Intermediate Level2023
Once Upon a Camel by Kathi AppeltElementary Award, Intermediate Level2023
Waiting for a Warbler by Sneed B. Collard IIIElementary Award, Intermediate Level2023
30,000 stitches : the inspiring story of the National 9/11 flag by Amanda Gilman DavisElementary Award, Intermediate Level2023
Stella by McCall HoyleElementary Award, Intermediate Level2023
Sprouting Wings: The True Story of James Herman Banning, the First African American Pilot to Fly Across the United States by Louisa JaggarElementary Award, Intermediate Level2023
Dr. Fauci: How a Boy from Brooklyn Became America's Doctor by Kate MessnerElementary Award, Intermediate Level2023
Flip! How the Frisbee Took Flight by Margaret MuirheadElementary Award, Intermediate Level2023
We Are Still Here! Native American Truths Everyone Should Know by Traci SorellElementary Award, Intermediate Level2023
Woof! The Truth About Dogs by Annette WhippleElementary Award, Intermediate Level2023
Best Day Ever! by Marilyn SingerElementary Award, Preschool Level2023
Animals Go Vroom! by Abi CushmanElementary Award, Preschool Level2023
Blue Ridge Babies 1, 2, 3: A Counting Book by Laura Sperry GardnerElementary Award, Preschool Level2023
Night Creatures: Animals That Swoop, Crawl, and Creep while You Sleep by Rebecca E. HirschElementary Award, Preschool Level2023
Can I Sit with You? by Sarah JacobyElementary Award, Preschool Level2023
Chase the Moon, Tiny Turtle: A Hatchling's Daring Race to the Sea by Kelly JordanElementary Award, Preschool Level2023
T. Rexes Can't Tie Their Shoes by Anna LazowskiElementary Award, Preschool Level2023
If You Were an Elephant by Leslie StaubElementary Award, Preschool Level2023
The Elephants Come Home: A True Story of Seven Elephants, Two People, and One Extraordinary Friendship by Kim TomsicElementary Award, Primary Level2023
Ten Beautiful Things by Molly GriffinElementary Award, Primary Level2023
Rissy No Kissies by Katey HowesElementary Award, Primary Level2023
When Langston Dances by Kaija LangleyElementary Award, Primary Level2023
A Friend Like You by Frank MurphyElementary Award, Primary Level2023
My School Stinks! by Becky ScharnhorstElementary Award, Primary Level2023
The Color Collector by Nicholas SolisElementary Award, Primary Level2023
Summertime Sleepers: Animals That Estivate by Melissa StewartElementary Award, Primary Level2023
Just You and Me: Remarkable Relationships in the Wild by Jennifer WardElementary Award, Primary Level2023
The Stars Beckoned: Edward White's Amazing Walk in Space by Candy WellinsElementary Award, Primary Level2023


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