Whitney AwardSpeculative Fiction2008

Given by LDStorymakers

5 Works 31,435 Books 1,001 Reviews ½ 4.0
The Whitneys are an awards program for novels by LDS authors. Elder Orson F. Whitney, an early apostle in the LDS church, prophesied “We will yet have Miltons and Shakespeares of our own.” show more Since we have that as our goal, we feel that we should also honor those authors who excel and continually raise the bar. The Whitney Awards honor novels in the following categories: General Fiction, Romance, Suspense/Mystery, Speculative Fiction, Youth Fiction, Historical, Best Novel of the Year, and Best Novel by a New Author. show less
All, Winner (171), Finalist (528)
All, 2023 (2), 2022 (4), 2021 (4), 2020 (5), 2019 (4), 2018 (4), 2017 (1), 2016 (1), 2015 (5), 2014 (5), 2013 (4), 2012 (3), 2011 (5), 2010 (5), 2009 (5), 2008 (5), 2007 (4)


The Whitneys are an awards program for novels by LDS authors. Elder Orson F. Whitney, an early apostle in the LDS church, prophesied “We will yet have Miltons and Shakespeares of our own.” Since we have that as our goal, we feel that we should also honor those authors who excel and continually raise the bar.

The Whitney Awards honor novels in the following categories: General Fiction, Romance, Suspense/Mystery, Speculative Fiction, Youth Fiction, Historical, Best Novel of the Year, and Best Novel by a New Author. (English, Member-written)

The Whitneys are an awards program for novels by LDS authors. Elder Orson F. Whitney, an early apostle in the LDS church, prophesied “We will yet have Miltons and Shakespeares of our own.” Since we have that as our goal, we feel that we should also honor those authors who excel and continually raise the bar.

The Whitney Awards honor novels in the following categories: General Fiction, Romance, Suspense/Mystery, Speculative Fiction, Youth Fiction—General, Youth Fiction—Speculative, Historical, Best Novel of the Year, and Best Novel by a New Author. (English, Member-written)


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