The Children's Book AwardOlder Readers

Given by Federation of Children's Book Groups (FCBG)

Other Names: Red House Children's Book Award (2001-2015)
30 Works 0 Books
The Red House Children's Book Award was founded in 1980 as The Children's Book Award by Pat Thomson, a member of the Federation of Children's Book Groups.
All, Winner (131), Shortlist (165)
All, Confident Readers (3), Long Novel (10), Older Readers (30), Overall (30), Picture Book (10), Short Novel (10), Younger Children (30), Younger Readers (28), No Category (14)
All, 2023 (3), 2022 (3), 2020 (3), 2019 (3), 2017 (1), 2016 (1), 2015 (1), 2014 (1), 2013 (1), 2012 (1), 2011 (1), 2010 (3), 2009 (1), 2008 (1), 2007 (1), 2006 (1), 2005 (1), 2004 (1), 2003 (1), 2002 (1)

Winner 20

Shortlist 30


2010(251) 2011(260) 2012(333) action(595) adventure(2,221) audiobook(334) children(264) children's(450) competition(271) death(618) dystopia(2,562) dystopian(1,366) ebook(604) family(418) fantasy(4,684) favorites(530) fiction(5,443) friendship(525) future(451) futuristic(292) gods(256) goodreads(368) Greek mythology(823) grief(246) Hunger Games(607) Kindle(512) love(333) magic(320) middle grade(249) mystery(401) novel(486) own(423) Percy Jackson(455) post-apocalyptic(652) read(1,138) read in 2012(273) reality tv(280) romance(666) science fiction(3,618) series(1,547) survival(1,387) suspense(346) teen(569) thriller(327) to-read(4,176) war(266) young adult(4,287) young adult fiction(537)

Top Members

cctesttc1 (18 works), Celialiu (17), Celialiu123 (17), DGSBiblio (17), kday_working (17), prengel90 (16), KensalRiseLibrary (15), skullduggery (15), Craigmount (14), RomerikeISLibrary (14), scm_library (14), ASIJ (13), jcm790 (13), LeosLibrary (13), LibraryOnline (13), MaryBrigidTurner (13), Mrs_Tapsell_Bookzone (13), crimsonraider (12), Kaethe (12), kalibrary (12), mumfie (12), o.olmedo (12), Queenerd17 (12), RLNunezKPL (12), stansteiner (12), buckslib (11), goodreads (11), MrsMcCabe (11), nicsreads (11), Rivaton (11), StRaphaelas (11), thebookmagpie (11), BrynyDeryn (10), Embo1234 (10), HatsForMice (10), HeatherLINC (10), LTFL_UWCSEA (10), rachaelistic (10), RoshReviews (10), royalhigh (10), Sarah7788 (10), Sophbook (10), Spoto-Media (10), ACascadeofBooks (9), avatiakh (9), booksong (9), bookwormbev17 (9), ChanelCollege (9), clobo123 (9), DWEmma (9), ebwalya (9), HindeHouse (9), KinghornLibrary (9), libraryofecho (9), lydiasbooks (9), mffowler (9), mick745 (9), primordialnyx (9), tammyp23 (9), TheLRCatCCC (9), usquam (9), zuckonit (9), aabdelrahmanm (8), acargile (8), Ajayg52 (8), alaskabookworm (8), Albus (8), alexenglishauthor (8), amyjuengst (8), CBSWexLibrary (8), clairefun (8), Clementine_Stone (8), clpteensnewbooks (8), elkiedee (8), EmiliaR (8), EmilyBarrett177 (8), epiloguesforelisa (8), ErinDarby (8), fabtk (8), ghsmediacenter (8), griffinel (8), HoldenCarver (8), iamthenewno2 (8), JayEales (8), Kat_books (8), keeneam (8), leslie.eiben (8), LibrarianDest (8), libreriadiEcho (8), lmackiewicz (8), ltfl_isulaan (8), malti.thiagarajan (8), MariaStram97 (8), marinerlibrary (8), MissFree (8), MuhammedSalem (8), nicola26 (8), nyobombshell (8), OMSspartans (8), parasolofdoom (8), parramarist (8), RivkaC (8), RoseHooper (8), SBCSLibrary2023 (8), starbookworm (8), StressedRach (8), tarr.chris (8), teenybeanie25 (8), teigs.sherman (8), timjdarling (8), A_Reader_of_Fictions (7), BookMoogle (7), Councillor3004 (7), coveschool (7), d00dlebug (7), dani_reviews (7), DariaNedelcu (7), dotstan05 (7), ellsie98 (7), EmilyRokicki (7), fairywings (7), Figgy87 (7), huskynewbooks (7), JeanLittleLibrary (7), Jennie_103 (7), KatherineB729 (7), kerribrary (7), kesser (7), LaPhenix (7), lbhlibrary (7), michelleannebyrne (7), mmorrison61 (7), mobilelibrary (7), naratemari (7), nekoma (7), oliviaford (7), SapphireMoonlight23 (7), Shadow_Sandy (7), SigWisely (7), skipstern (7), soffitta1 (7), TIGALibrary (7), timpegler (7), upancholi (7), youmaysayimareader (7)