3 Apples Book Award2014

Given by NYLA Section of School Librarians (SSL)

3 Works 53,834 Books 3,260 Reviews 4.1
These three awards have been developed to encourage the joy of reading for pleasure and to give the children and teens in New York State the opportunity to participate in honoring their favorite show more books. It is sponsored by the School Library Media Section of the New York Library Association, which represents the school libraries of the state.

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All, Winner (39)
All, Children (14), Teens (13), Young Readers (12)
All, 2023 (3), 2022 (3), 2021 (3), 2020 (3), 2019 (3), 2018 (3), 2017 (3), 2014 (3), 2013 (3), 2012 (3), 2011 (3), 2010 (3), 2008 (2), 2007 (1)


adventure(5,639) animals(2,438) audiobook(1,544) chapter book(1,865) children(4,401) children's(7,187) children's books(1,440) children's fiction(1,800) children's literature(3,637) coming of age(1,599) death(1,799) dystopia(5,876) dystopian(3,451) ebook(1,913) England(1,591) family(1,853) fantasy(39,179) farm(1,627) favorites(2,547) fiction(37,512) friendship(4,425) goodreads(1,520) hardcover(2,006) Harry Potter(12,841) horror(2,453) humor(3,584) J.K. Rowling(1,382) juvenile(1,545) Kindle(1,475) love(1,463) magic(10,549) mystery(1,461) novel(3,414) own(2,794) owned(1,420) picture book(3,867) read(7,436) realistic fiction(1,729) romance(2,463) school(1,900) science fiction(7,814) series(7,880) survival(2,582) teen(1,554) to-read(11,477) witches(1,778) wizards(4,134) young adult(15,702) young adult fiction(1,834)

Top Members

RLNunezKPL (39 works), coveschool (34), e-zReader (34), ClearwaterPubLib (31), FPLD (31), GateCityLibrary (31), Pages_Aplenty (31), dsadma13 (30), FrontierGirl (30), ltcl (30), magnolialibrary (30), meserveylibrary (30), titopeter (30), Annica2001 (29), kday_working (29), loafhunter13 (29), NewAlbinLibrary (29), Kaethe (28), loomissarah (28), spelldavid (28), stusfamily (28), tarr.chris (28), theEcole (28), Wilcox_Pub_Lib (28), arak (27), booksatasteal (27), cctesttc1 (27), GFPLadmin (27), Hudson-Library (27), LutheranSouthUnity (27), mffowler (27), skullduggery (27), Artur-Bobinski (26), Casey.Woodard (26), dduning (26), DrQ (26), ehelmke (26), GrettelTBR (26), hrcentre (26), ltfl_isblib (26), MarraLynn (26), rebecca.pruitt (26), RTCALibrary (26), SASTDragonBooks (26), Alorasays (25), cabyrum (25), Conway_Library (25), DeSmetLibrary1 (25), drmom62 (25), GiftLakeSchool (25), GilmanPublicLibrary (25), GMS_Library (25), HantsLearningNetwork (25), HTLSLibrary (25), kineticlibrary (25), lcs.denver (25), matthewbloome (25), OlaDistrictLibrary (25), prengel90 (25), RSTEMLibrary (25), sjstigers (25), stephanie.croaning (25), StJohnsSchool (25), tglovell (25), TheWellSpringSchool (25), WestsideElementary (25), zzEllis (25), biblio99 (24), chinatowne (24), GAAlibrary (24), GSCSlibrary (24), hooligansmama (24), katiemader (24), kcoates729 (24), keeneam (24), keytesvillelibrary (24), klnbennett (24), librarycheri (24), Luis_Castrillo (24), MillPondLibrary (24), mmorrison61 (24), PotwinPublicLibrary (24), rcp_library (24), Sharquin (24), SMSTechnology (24), stals (24), stansteiner (24), Strawbridge (24), stteresa (24), TheIndigoQuill (24), tlakelibrary (24), AbigailNash (23), BonnieOpper (23), BrandiMoreland (23), CGS.Library (23), Cheryl_in_CC_NV (23), davisstuartlibrary (23), FlaglerBeachLibrary (23), GowanScienceAcademy (23), GWYN23 (23), jayde1599 (23), JennyArch (23), KimberlyJones1713 (23), KIPPLibrary (23), La_Scuola_NY (23), mtzionlibrary (23), Nimaille (23), PortableMagicBooks (23), rianainthestacks (23), Rickmaniac (23), sarglib (23), stjcommunityschool (23), StuartRoosa (23), StWenceslausSchool (23), VCSFBigReadMachine (23), SonomaLibrary12 (22)