Stonewall Book AwardHonor Book2013

Given by Rainbow Round Table (RRT), American Library Association

Other Names: ALA Stonewall Book Award, ALA Stonewall Book Award Honor Book, Stonewall Young Adult Literature Award
12 Works 22,764 Books 882 Reviews 4.1
Started in 1971, Stonewall Book Awards recognize LGBTQIA+ books that have "exceptional merit relating to the gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender experience." Sponsored by the American Library show more Association's Rainbow Round Table. show less
All, Winner (117), Honor Book (185), Finalist (97)
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Started in 1971, Stonewall Book Awards recognize LGBTQIA+ books that have "exceptional merit relating to the gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender experience." Sponsored by the American Library Association's Rainbow Round Table. (English, Member-written)
Previously ALA Stonewall Book Award Finalist (English, Member-written)


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