Sunburst AwardAdult2017

Given by The Sunburst Award Society

Other Names: Sunburst Award Honorable Mention
10 Works 6,265 Books 371 Reviews ½ 3.7
The Sunburst Award for Canadian Literature of the Fantastic is a juried award based on excellence of writing in two categories: adult and young adult. The awards are presented annually to Canadian show more writers with a speculative fiction novel or book-length collection of speculative fiction published any time during the previous calendar year. Named after the first novel by Phyllis Gotlieb, one of the first published authors of contemporary Canadian science fiction, the awards consist of a cash award of Cdn$1,000 and a medallion which incorporates a specially designed "Sunburst" logo. The winners receive their awards in the fall of every year. show less
All, Winner (33), Shortlist (134), Honourable Mention (45), Longlist (113)
All, Adult (137), Short Story (1), Young Adult (110), No Category (51)
All, 2020 (11), 2019 (14), 2018 (14), 2017 (10), 2016 (20), 2015 (20), 2014 (5), 2013 (5), 2012 (6), 2011 (5), 2010 (5), 2009 (12), 2008 (10)


Top Members

buriedinprint (58 works), ShelfMonkey (47), TerryWeyna (44), parasolofdoom (42), RLNunezKPL (37), tokyoadam (37), Ethaisa (36), alo1224 (35), mathgirl40 (34), Larou (33), jcm790 (32), aekfv20134 (31), apodispub (31), dcollins (31), KelMunger (31), pbeagan (31), tootstorm (31), hblanchard (30), kristiederuiter (30), sangreal (30), SFF1928-1973 (30), Kaethe (28), reluctantm (28), slothman (28), SoschaF (28), xicanti (28), RedQueen (27), Cora-R (26), ElleGato (26), emaestra (26), georgebexley (26), beserene (25), cadolph (25), chilperic (25), luckygirl1221 (25), benitastrnad (24), Chris.Cummings (24), macabrelibrarian (24), moonlit.shelves (24), andyl (23), ltcl (23), macphear (23), scifichick (23), SESchend (23), ZaraD.Garcia-Alvarez (23), brendanmoody (22), danielskatz (22), e-zReader (22), link_rae (22), MakamuFW (22), MRN (22), naokoken (22), Steve_Walker (22), tkpunk (22), Vokram (22), Citizenjoyce (21), iftyzaidi (21), kamintra (21), Lauranthalas (21), leennnadine (21), leonardmillhouse (21), lyrrael (21), mffowler (21), Rivaton (21), bookishbill (20), bradleyhorner (20), Charrlygirl (20), Erewhon77 (20), FleetSparrow (20), gypsysmom (20), jmiserak (20), ktoonen (20), Luetzen (20), lycomayflower (20), WestBranch (20), Ann_Louise (19), carlypancakes (19), divinenanny (19), emmy_of_spines (19), jsburbidge (19), Sakerfalcon (19), sdobie (19), sensitivemuse (19), aabdelrahmanm (18), andrea_mcd (18), bragan (18), disfit (18), ElspethW (18), FlatFeat (18), Her_Royal_Orangeness (18), hivetrick (18), kbuxton (18), Maddz (18), majkia (18), starlabrite (18), yulischeidt (18), ahouse (17), ariaa03 (17), ayaeckel (17), beentsy (17), bhowell (17), bookstothesky (17), Count_Zero (17), davidabrams (17), devilwrites (17), elenaj (17), erinalbion (17), jolerie (17), JVermillion (17), katebrarian (17), keachachu (17), kleos_aphthiton (17), kmcquage (17), liz.mabry (17), LVautier (17), Mocate (17), monnibo (17), RealLifeReading (17), sallypursell (17), saltmanz (17), stephanie_M (17), torontoc (17), turnerd (17), xaverie (17), ZJB (17), alexfatch (16), Anasurimbor (16), AnnaHernandez (16), AsYouKnow_Bob (16), avanders (16), badube (16), boxofdelights (16), Echinopsis (16), kgodey (16), Lemeritus (16), mkkaufman (16), musecure (16), RandyRasa (16), Rtrace (16), ScoLgo (16), speljamr (16), strangefate (16), strangerrrs (16), teenybeanie25 (16), tenaciousreader (16), Tovahn (16), unsquare (16), wpwhite (16), Yells (16), 2BR02B (15), agmlll (15), anglemark (15), arubabookwoman (15), augustgarage (15), bellisc (15), bughunter (15), Catchlightning (15), clairefun (15), DidIReallyReadThat (15), dirtfarmer (15), elctrcmyhm (15), fred_mouse (15), harvrabb (15), ivarrthekean (15), JediBookLover (15), lorax (15), lostinthebb (15), maribou (15), Miss_Isle (15), nathalieafoy (15), pinax (15), quondame (15), Scorbet (15), superspytaiko (15), SWade0126 (15), TaraWood (15), wallcraf (15), WinonaBaines (15)