Ignyte AwardNovella


Other Names: Ignyte Award shortlist
24 Works 0 Books
The Ignyte Awards began in 2020 alongside the inaugural FIYAHCON, a virtual convention centering the contributions and experiences of BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) in Speculative show more Fiction. Founded by L. D. Lewis and Suzan Palumbo, the awards were an attempt to correct representative gaps in traditional spec lit awards and have grown into a coveted and cherished addition to the awards landscape. The Ignytes seek to celebrate the vibrancy and diversity of the current and future landscapes of science fiction, fantasy, and horror by recognizing incredible feats in storytelling and outstanding efforts toward inclusivity of the genre. show less
All, Winner (34), Shortlist (161)
All, 2024 (5), 2023 (4), 2022 (5), 2021 (5), , 2020 (5)
November 8, 2024: Winner2024 Recent


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