Deutscher BuchpreisLonglist2011

18 Works 1,078 Books 47 Reviews ½ 3.7
The German Book Prize (Deutscher Buchpreis) is awarded annually, in October, by the German Publishers and Booksellers Association (Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels) to the best new German show more language novel of the year.[1] The books, published in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, are nominated by their publishers, who can propose up to two books from their current or planned publication list. The books should be in shops before the short-list is announced in September of the award year. The winner is awarded €25,000, while the five shortlisted authors receive €2,500 each. It is presented annually during the Frankfurt Book Fair. The prize was created in 2005, as a successor to the Deutscher Bücherpreis, to heighten awareness for authors writing in German. It is based on the same idea as literary prizes such as the Man Booker Prize or the Prix Goncourt. show less
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The German Book Prize (Deutscher Buchpreis) is awarded annually, in October, by the German Publishers and Booksellers Association (Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels) to the best new German language novel of the year.[1] The books, published in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, are nominated by their publishers, who can propose up to two books from their current or planned publication list. The books should be in shops before the short-list is announced in September of the award year. The winner is awarded €25,000, while the five shortlisted authors receive €2,500 each. It is presented annually during the Frankfurt Book Fair. The prize was created in 2005, as a successor to the Deutscher Bücherpreis, to heighten awareness for authors writing in German. It is based on the same idea as literary prizes such as the Man Booker Prize or the Prix Goncourt. (English, Wikipedia)
Der Deutsche Buchpreis des Börsenvereins des Deutschen Buchhandels, (German, Member-written)


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