Children's Favorites AwardsSelection2005

Given by The Children's Book Council

Other Names: Children's Choice Book Award, ILA Children's Choices Reading List, Children's Book Choice Selction - International Reading Association, Children's Book Council Children's Choice Book Award for Author of the Year, Children's Choice Book Award Nominee for Teen Choice Book of the Year, ILA-CBC Children's Choice, IRA Children's Choice, IRA Children's Choices Reading List, IRA-CBC Children's Choice, Kids' Choice Book Awards
96 Works 34,769 Books 1,400 Reviews 4.1
Children's Choices Reading List

Children’s Choices is a reading list with a twist, in which children themselves evaluate the books and write reviews of their favorites. Since 1974, Children’s show more Choices has been a trusted source of book recommendations used by teachers, librarians, parents, and children themselves.

The project is cosponsored by the International Literacy Association and the Children’s Book Council.

Goals  Give young readers an opportunity to voice their opinions about books written for them  Develop an annual annotated reading list of new books that young readers enjoy  Help teachers, librarians, booksellers, parents, and others find books that will encourage young readers to read more

Children’s Choices began as an annual joint project of the International Literacy Association (ILA) and the Children’s Book Council (CBC) in 1974. Each year, approximately 10,000 children (grades K–6) from different regions of the United States read and choose 100 favorites from books donated by North American children’s book publishers.
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Selection 96

Boom Chicka Rock by John Archambault2005
Mr. Maxwell's Mouse by Frank Asch2005
My Curious Uncle Dudley by Tony Auth2005
The cat who walked across France by Kate Banks2005
The Copy Crocs by David Bedford2005
Dream: A Tale of Wonder, Wisdom & Wishes by Susan V. Bosak2005
Bronco Charlie and the Pony Express (On My Own History) by Marlene Targ Brill2005
Worm Gets a Job by Kathy Caple2005
Mister Seahorse by Eric Carle2005
I Am Too Absolutely Small for School by Lauren Child2005
I and You and Don't Forget Who by Brian P. Cleary2005
Rainbow Soup: Adventures in Poetry by Brian P. Cleary2005
Over the Hills & Far Away by Chris Conover2005
Lionboy: The Chase by Zizou Corder2005
Here They Come! by David Hyde Costello2005
How to Train Your Dragon by Cressida Cowell2005
Duck for President by Doreen Cronin2005
Our Principal Promised to Kiss a Pig by Kalli Dakos2005
Poop: A Natural History of the Unmentionable by Nicola Davies2005
Ten Redneck Babies: A Southern Counting Book by David Davis2005
The Pig Who Went Home on Sunday: An Appalachian Folktale by Donald Davis2005
All Year Long by Kathleen W. Deady2005
The Top 10 Ways to Ruin the First Day of 5th Grade by Ken Derby2005
Most Loved Monster by Lynn Downey2005
Tigress by Nick Dowson2005
Cock-a-Doodle-Moo: A Mixed Up Menagerie by Keith DuQuette2005
Dear Tooth Fairy by Alan Durant2005
Monkey Business by Wallace Edwards2005
The Trial of Cardigan Jones by Tim Egan2005
And Here's to You! by David Elliott2005
Someone Bigger by Jonathan Emmett2005
Billy Tibbles Moves Out by Jan Fearnley2005
Daddy Mountain by Jules Feiffer2005
Blackjack: Dreaming of a Morgan Horse by Ellen F. Feld2005
Big Week for Little Mouse by Eugenie Fernandes2005
The Schoolchildren's Blizzard (On My Own History) by Marty Rhodes Figley2005
Gator Gumbo: A Spicy-Hot Tale by Candace Fleming2005
It's Test Day, Tiger Turcotte by Pansie Hart Flood2005
This is the Teacher by Rhonda Gowler Greene2005
Murder, My Tweet: A Chet Gecko Mystery by Bruce Hale2005
Faraway Worlds: Planets Beyond Our Solar System by Paul Halpern2005
Four Boys Named Jordan by Jessica Harper2005
Don't Forget to Come Back! by Robie H. Harris2005
Fairytale News by Colin Hawkins2005
Drumheller Dinosaur Dance by Robert Heidbreder2005
Roger, the Jolly Pirate by Brett Helquist2005
The President Is Shot!: The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln by Harold Holzer2005
The Pepins and Their Problems by Polly Horvath2005
Is It Bedtime Wibbly Pig? by Mick Inkpen2005
Baby Brains by Simon James2005
Top Secret: A Handbook of Codes, Ciphers and Secret Writing by Paul B. Janeczko2005
How to Catch a Star by Oliver Jeffers2005
Dogs: How to Choose and Care for a Dog (American Humane Pet Care Library) by Laura S. Jeffrey2005
Daffodil by Emily Jenkins2005
Actual Size by Steve Jenkins2005
The Harmonica by Tony Johnston2005
Hoop Kings by Charles R. Smith Jr.2005
Walter the Farting Dog: Trouble At the Yard Sale by William Kotzwinkle2005
There Once Was a Very Odd School by Stephen Krensky2005
Beach Day! by Patricia Lakin2005
Larabee by Kevin Luthardt2005
Crocodiles (Animal Predators) by Sandra Markle2005
Great White Sharks by Sandra Markle2005
Killer Whales by Sandra Markle2005
Lions (Animal Predators) by Sandra Markle2005
Polar Bears by Sandra Markle2005
Show Dog by Meghan McCarthy2005
Widget & the Puppy by Lyn Rossiter McFarland2005
Tripping Over the Lunch Lady and Other School Stories by Nancy E. Mercado2005
That Dancin' Dolly by Jennifer Merz2005
Enrico Starts School by Charlotte Middleton2005
Tuff Fluff: The Case of Duckie's Missing Brain by Scott Nash2005
The Best Cat in the World by Leslea Newman2005
Show; Don't Tell!: Secrets of Writing by Josephine Nobisso2005
Beatrice Doesn't Want to by Laura Numeroff2005
Under Town (Edgar & Ellen) by Charles Ogden2005
Death by Eggplant by Susan Heyboer O'Keefe2005
Stinky Smelly Feet: A Love Story by Margie Palatini2005
The Beetle Alphabet Book by Jerry Pallotta2005
Truck Duck by Michael Rex2005
Super Sam! by Lori Ries2005
Rooster Can't Cock-a-Doodle-Doo by Karen Rostoker-Gruber2005
Who Will Tuck Me in Tonight? by Carol Roth2005
Abby's Chairs by Barbara Santucci2005
Smudge Bunny by Dr. Bernie S. Siegel2005
ABC all-American riddles by Mara Smith2005
Goldilocks and the Three Martians by Stu Smith2005
Something to Tell the Grandcows by Eileen Spinelli2005
No Laughing, No Smiling, No Giggling by James Stevenson2005
The Friend by Sarah Stewart2005
Oliver's Game by Matt Tavares2005
What's That Awful Smell? by Heather Tekavec2005
101 Ways to Bug Your Teacher by Lee Wardlaw2005
Atomic Ace: (He's Just My Dad) by Jeff Weigel2005
Knuffle Bunny: A Cautionary Tale by Mo Willems2005
Holding at Third by Linda Zinnen2005


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