Montana New Zealand Book Awards2005

Other Names: Montana New Zealand Book Awards Shortlist, Montana NZ Book Awards, Montana NZ Book Awards Runner-up
13 Works 328 Books 9 Reviews 4.2
The Montana New Zealand Book Awards are a series of literary awards to works of New Zealand citizens. They were created in 1996, as a merge of the two previously most relevant awards in New show more Zealand: the Montana Book Awards and the New Zealand Book Awards. Since 2010 this award is now called the New Zealand Post Book Award. show less
All, Winner (142), Shortlist (167), No Stage (1)
All, Biography (7), Biography Winner and Montana Medal for Non-Fiction (1), Book of the Year/Cultural Heritage (1), Book of the Year/Cultural Heritage and First Book of Non-Fiction (1), Deutz Medal For Fiction (2), Deutz Medal for Fiction (3), Deutz Medal for Fiction and First Book of Fiction Winner (1), Deutz Medal for Fiction and Readers' Choice Award and Booksellers' Choice Award (1), Environment (8), Environment & Heritage (2), Environment Winner and Montana Medal for Non Fiction (2), Fiction (21), Fiction Winner and Deutz Medal For Fiction or Poetry (1), Fiction Winner and Montana Medal for Fiction or Poetry (1), Fiction Winner and Reader's Choice Awand and Montana Medal For Fiction or Poetry (1), Fiction Winner and Reader's Choice Award and Deutz Medal For Fiction or Poetry (1), First Book of Fiction (12), First Book of Non-Fiction (11), First Book of Poetry (14), History (5), History & Biography (2), History & Biography (tied) (1), History & Biography Winner and Montana Medal for Non Fiction (1), History Winner and Montana Medal for Non Fiction (2), History Winner and Readers' Choice Award and Montana Medal for Non Fiction (1), Honor Award (1), Honor Award Fiction (1), Honour Award (1), Honour Award Poetry (1), Illustrative (3), Illustrative Arts (7), Illustrative Arts Winner and Readers' Choice Award and Montana Medal for Non Fiction (1), Illustrative Arts and First Book of Non-Fiction (1), Illustrative Winner and Montana Medal for Non Fiction (1), Lifestyle (2), Lifestyle & Contemporary Culture (5), Lifestyle & Contemporary Culture Winner and Montana Medal for Non Fiction (1), Lifestyle Winner and Montana Medal for Non-Fiction (1), Montana Medal for Fiction (1), Montana Medal for Non-Fiction, History & Biography (tied) and Readers' Choice (1), Māori Language Award (1), Natural Heritage (2), Poetry (14), Poetry Winner and Readers’ Choice Award (1), Reader's Choice Award (3), Readers' Choice (1), Readers' Choice Award (1), Readers' Choice Award and First Book of Fiction (1), Reference & Anthology (7), Reference & Anthology Winner and First Book of Non-Fiction Winner (1), No Category (5)
All, 2009 (15), 2008 (11), 2007 (12), 2006 (14), 2005 (13), 2004 (14), 2003 (13), 2002 (15), 2001 (12), 2000 (11), 1999 (8), 1998 (9), 1997 (11), 1996 (10)

Winner 10

Shortlist 12

No Stage 1


Top Members

europhile (36 works), HelenBaker (35), avatiakh (32), RogerChristensen (27), megamorg (25), petesan (23), Brownson-Estate (22), WestmereNZ (22), joannasephine (21), kauders (21), TePuruBeach (21), vann562 (19), AlexandraWard (18), MacandrewBayLibrary (18), DarrylLundy (17), ReaderBeth (17), mcpinker (16), RosiCrane (16), SamoaHouseLibrary (16), sarabando (16), TCAuckland (16), dinornis (15), kiwip (15), nzbookgal (15), OceaniaDawn (15), SueHallas (15), dagg (14), nzvicki (14), adzebill (13), ChristopherDempsey (12), ecumenicalcouncil (12), EvanSaul (12), kiarere (12), Lidbud (12), MarkPortnick (12), Michael_Godfrey (12), A.Bond (11), acoconnor (11), dazyndara (11), StephnBert (11), unwinm (11), alo1224 (10), daisyq (10), dalet3 (10), elkiedee (10), pateke (10), pclittle (10), rawenelibrary (10), shearrob (10), tarshaan (10), adaa002 (9), BornAnalog (9), earthsinger (9), fabtk (9), genesee (9), katepender (9), Killeymoon (9), kitapseven (9), ligar (9), louis69 (9), Mouldywarp (9), MungBean (9), northislander (9), PaperboundPeregrine (9), PaulCranswick (9), SleepySheep (9), Tamatu (9), theCrow (9), theskeltons (9), thewordygecko (9), trisol (9), YSang (9), Alastair_Nicholson (8), bluebirdnz (8), DavidLaing (8), demra430 (8), esotericbooks (8), geoffmiles (8), hinon_1 (8), ivanfranko (8), jeamjik (8), jeniwren (8), kiwidoc (8), lewisr3 (8), littlehigh (8), Peppercress (8), PeterWhiteford (8), rad (8), SeriousGrace (8), Sesquipedalians (8), sgwordy (8), starcitywoman (8), Sweetman (8), Agathameow (7), AMCSviatko (7), anzlitlovers (7), cerievans1 (7), douglasmary (7), GregNZIH (7), hasprintwillread (7), hms (7), JCPLIB (7), JoshuaTabor (7), JulieTills (7), Kaethe (7), katibili (7), KerryD1971 (7), MarkSHanson (7), Molly-and-Theo (7), mslizchis (7), mybookshelf (7), NickB (7), paperscratch (7), PaulaJoyce (7), postcuspbooks (7), scampbell825 (7), TePunaWaiora (7), timjones (7), WANGPP (7), acmf (6), broughtonhouse (6), canalrat (6), Caroline_McElwee (6), cctesttc1 (6), dakvid (6), eandino2012 (6), firedrake1942 (6), grayle (6), holly.danyon (6), k8tpie (6), KarelWH (6), MaggieDrummer (6), MarieWG (6), MJBotting (6), MsMoto (6), Ngarino (6), nogoodboyo (6), PaulavanWijmen (6), PMCleghorn (6), rozymary (6), Rozzodarf (6), sjk3 (6), SuzieD (6), Thomarse (6), zealandia (6), Anjreana (5), book.nug (5), buriedinprint (5), chiwi (5), cushlareads (5), DebbieMcCauley (5), djmarr (5), fastred (5), gabyt (5), HowardR-1 (5), IzzyBaxter12 (5), JillGregory (5), JohnO.Sullivan (5), julianne.pask (5), lgj0001 (5), LovingLit (5), LuukPaulussen (5), makylac (5), mia_f (5), Mikefrance (5), mlake (5), mrcv (5), PaulinePB (5), PterW (5), rcameron (5), reluctantm (5), sarahdalton (5), sueinauckland (5), TiffanyNZ (5), WayneTyson (5), wdewey (5), whitreidtan (5)