James Madison Book Award

Given by James Madison Book Award Fund, Community Foundation of Jackson Hole

7 Works 2,374 Books 134 Reviews ½ 3.9
The James Madison Book Award, a cash prize of $10,000, recognizes excellence in bringing knowledge and understanding of American history to readers ages five to fourteen. It is given show more annually.

Books may be recommended for the award by publishers and members of the James Madison Book Award Advisory Council.

To be eligible for the award in any given year, books must:

be written for children in elementary or middle school.

take up a subject in American history. Only nonfiction will be considered.

be published (which will, in most cases, mean copyrighted) in the previous year.

Anthologies, collections, textbooks, audio books, and Internet books are not eligible.

Each year’s award winner will be chosen by a selection committee drawn from the members of the James Madison Book Award Advisory Council.

The James Madison Book Award is given by the James Madison Book Award Fund, a separate fund of the Community Foundation of Jackson Hole in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. The Community Foundation of Jackson Hole is a 501(c)(3) public foundation.

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All, Winner (6), Honor Book (1)
All, 2008 (1), 2007 (1), 2006 (1), 2005 (1), 2004 (1), 2003 (1)


The James Madison Book Award, a cash prize of $10,000, recognizes excellence in bringing knowledge and understanding of American history to readers ages five to fourteen. It is given annually.

Books may be recommended for the award by publishers and members of the James Madison Book Award Advisory Council.

To be eligible for the award in any given year, books must:

be written for children in elementary or middle school.

take up a subject in American history. Only nonfiction will be considered.

be published (which will, in most cases, mean copyrighted) in the previous year.

Anthologies, collections, textbooks, audio books, and Internet books are not eligible.

Each year’s award winner will be chosen by a selection committee drawn from the members of the James Madison Book Award Advisory Council.

The James Madison Book Award is given by the James Madison Book Award Fund, a separate fund of the Community Foundation of Jackson Hole in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. The Community Foundation of Jackson Hole is a 501(c)(3) public foundation.

(English, Award granter)
URL: https://web.archive.org/web/20090207043249/http://jamesmadisonbookaward.org/about.html

The annual award is presented to the book that, in Mrs. Cheney's words, "best represents excellence in bringing knowledge and understanding of American history to the next generation."

(English, Unclassified)
URL: https://georgewbush-whitehouse.archives.gov/news/releases/2005/03/20050301-12.html


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