Idaho Book of the Year AwardWinner

Given by Idaho Library Association

Other Names: Idaho Book Award
37 Works 43,264 Books 1,907 Reviews 4.2
Awarded by the Idaho Library Association

"The purpose of the award is to recognize and honor one book, selected from among all the books published in any one calendar year, which has made an show more outstanding contribution to the body of printed materials about Idaho."

First awarded in 1984. No award given in 1992

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All, Winner (37), Honorable Mention (23), Shortlist (2)
All, 2022 (1), 2021 (2), 2020 (1), 2019 (1), 2018 (1), 2017 (1), 2016 (1), 2015 (1), 2014 (1), 2013 (1), 2012 (1), 2010 (1), 2009 (1), 2008 (1), 2007 (1), 2006 (1), 2005 (1), 2004 (1), 2003 (1), 2002 (1), 2001 (1), 2000 (1), 1999 (1), 1998 (1), 1997 (1), 1996 (1), 1995 (1), 1994 (1), 1991 (1), 1990 (1), 1989 (1), 1988 (1), 1987 (1), 1986 (1), 1985 (1), 1984 (1)

Winner 37

Four Treasures of the Sky by Jenny Tinghui Zhang2022
Cloud Cuckoo Land by Anthony Doerr2021
Stranger Care: A Memoir of Loving What Isn't Ours by Sarah Sentilles2021
Idaho Rocks!: A Guide to Geologic Sites in the Gem State by Lewis Reed2020
Wildflower Girl: A Lifelong Journey Beyond the Trail by Dana Quinney2019
Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens2018
Idaho by Emily Ruskovich2017
Idaho Wilderness Considered by Murray Feldman2016
Idaho Microbes: How tiny single-celled organisms can harm or save our world by Steve Stuebner2015
All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr2014
As Rugged as the Terrain: CCC "Boys," Federal Convicts, and World War II Alien Internees Wrestle with a Mountain Wilderness (Asian American Comparative Collection Research Report) by Priscilla Wegars2013
Books, Bluster, and Bounty: Local Politics and Carnegie Library Building Grants in the Intermountain West, 1890-1920 by Susan H. Swetnam2012
The Lonely Polygamist by Brady Udall2010
God's Dogs: A Novel in Stories by Mitch Wieland2009
James Castle: A Retrospective (Philadelphia Museum of Art) by James Castle2008
At Nature's Edge by Henry Whiting II2007
A Danish Photographer of Idaho Indians by Joanna Cohan Scherer2006
The Deep Dark by Gregg Olsen2005
The Cyanide Canary by Joseph Hilldorfer2004
Traplines; Coming Home to Sawtooth Valley by John Rember2003
Secrets of the Magic Valley and Hagerman's Remarkable Horse by Todd Shallat2002
Standing Up to the Rock by T. Louise Freeman-Toole2001
Out of the Ruins by William C. Johnson2000
Irrigated Eden: The Making of an Agricultural Landscape in the American West by Mark Fiege1999
One Winter in the Wilderness by Pat Cary Peek1998
Big Trouble: A Murder in a Small Western Town Sets Off a Struggle for the Soul of America by J. Anthony Lukas1997
Nez Perce Women in Transition, 1877-1990 by Caroline James1996
River of Life, Channel of Death: Fish and Dams on the Lower Snake by Keith C. Petersen1995
Sources of the River by Jack Nisbet1994
Building Idaho: An Architectural History by Jennifer Eastman Attebery1991
Conversations by Susan M. Stacy1990
Tiger on the Road by Tim Woodward1989
Paradox Politics: People and Power in Idaho by Randy Stapilus1988
This Crested Hill: An Illustrated History of the University of Idaho by Keith C. Petersen1987
The Literature of Idaho by James H. Maguire1986
Idaho Folklife: Homesteads to Headstones by Louie W. Attebery1985
Mining Town by Patricia Hart1984


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