Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Awards2004

Given by Foreword Reviews

Other Names: Foreword INDIES, Foreword Reviews Indiefab Book of the Year Award
4 Works 238 Books 10 Reviews ½ 3.8
All, Gold (47), Silver (47), Bronze (33), Winner (213), Honorable Mention (17), Finalist (68), Shortlist (1), Nominee (1)
All, 2022 (2), 2020 (2), 2019 (2), 2018 (120), 2017 (152), 2016 (5), 2015 (7), 2014 (7), 2013 (14), 2012 (13), 2011 (8), 2010 (11), 2009 (8), 2008 (13), 2007 (12), 2006 (20), 2005 (7), 2004 (4), 2003 (3), 2002 (5), 2001 (5), 2000 (4)


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