Kate Tufts Discovery Award

Given by Claremont Graduate University

66 Works 3,728 Books 82 Reviews 4.1
Established in 1993, the Kate Tufts Discovery Award is presented annually for a first book by a poet of genuine promise. The purse for this award will is $10,000.
All, Winner (30), Nominee (36)
All, 2023 (5), 2022 (5), 2021 (1), 2020 (1), 2019 (5), 2018 (4), 2017 (6), 2016 (5), 2015 (6), 2014 (2), 2013 (3), 2012 (3), 2011 (3), 2010 (1), 2009 (1), 2008 (1), 2007 (1), 2006 (1), 2005 (1), 2004 (1), 2003 (1), 2002 (1), 2001 (1), 2000 (1), 1999 (1), 1998 (1), 1997 (1), 1996 (1), 1995 (1), 1994 (1)

Winner 30

Mothman Apologia (Volume 116) (Yale Series of Younger Poets) by Robert Wood Lynn2023
Wound from the Mouth of a Wound by torrin a. greathouse2022
Eyes Bottle Dark with a Mouthful of Flowers: Poems (National Poetry Series) by Jake Skeets2021
I Can't Talk About the Trees Without the Blood (Pitt Poetry Series) by Tiana Clark2020
Ghost Of (The Omnidawn Open) by Diana Khoi Nguyen2019
Bestiary: Poems by Donika Kelly2018
Thief in the Interior by Phillip B. Williams2017
[insert] boy (Kate Tufts Discovery Award) by Danez Smith2016
The Tribute Horse (Kate Tufts Discovery Award) by Brandon Som2015
Hemming the Water by Yona Harvey2014
Fowling Piece: Poems (Kate Tufts Discovery Award) by Heidy Steidlmayer2013
Radial Symmetry (Yale Series of Younger Poets) by Katherine Larson2012
Romey's Order by Atsuro Riley2011
Temper (Pitt Poetry Series) by Beth Bachmann2010
All-American Poem (APR Honickman 1st Book Prize) by Matthew Dickman2009
Even the Hollow My Body Made Is Gone by Janice N. Harrington2008
Potscrubber Lullabies by Eric McHenry2007
The Book of Funnels (Kate Tufts Discovery Award) by Christian Hawkey2006
Chattahoochee: Poems (Kate Tufts Discovery Award) by Patrick Phillips2005
The Brass Girl Brouhaha by Adrian Blevins2004
The Zoo (Pitt Poetry Series) by Joanie Mackowski2003
World's Tallest Disaster by Cate Marvin2002
Invisible Tender (Poets Out Loud) by Jennifer Clarvoe2001
Muscular Music by Terrance Hayes2000
Bite Every Sorrow by Barbara Ras1999
Reading The Water (Samuel French Morse Poetry Prize) by Charles Harper Webb1998
The Body Mutinies by Lucia Perillo1997
Delirium (Vassar Miller Prize in Poetry) by Barbara Hamby1996
The Moon Reflected Fire by Doug Anderson1995
1-800-Hot-Ribs by Catherine Bowman1994

Nominee 36

Against Heaven: Poems by Kemi Alabi2023
Gumbo Ya Ya: Poems (Pitt Poetry Series) by Aurielle Marie2023
All the flowers kneeling by Paul Tran2023
Swallowed Light by Michael Wasson2023
The Wild Fox of Yemen: Poems by Threa Almontaser2022
What Noise Against the Cane by Desiree C. Bailey2022
Mother Body by Diamond Forde2022
Thrown in the Throat (National Poetry Series) by Benjamin Garcia2022
River Hymns (APR Honickman 1st Book Prize) by Tyree Daye2019
Indecency by Justin Phillip Reed2019
Beast Meridian by Vanessa Angelica Villarreal2019
Unaccompanied by Javier Zamora2019
Anybody: Poems by Ari Banias2018
IRL by Tommy Pico2018
Afterland: Poems by Mai Der Vang2018
Trouble the water : poems by Derrick Austin2017
Boy with Thorn (Pitt Poetry Series) by Rickey Laurentiis2017
WHEREAS: Poems by Layli Long Soldier2017
Constellarium by Jordan Rice2017
Night Sky with Exit Wounds by Ocean Vuong2017
Last Psalm at Sea Level by Meg Day2016
Miss Lost Nation by Bethany Schultz Hurst2016
Void and Compensation by Michael Morse2016
Field Guide A Tempo (The Hobblebush Granite State Poetry Series) by Henry Walters2016
Clean (Four Way Books Intro Prize in Poetry) by David J. Daniels2015
Swoop: Poems by Hailey Leithauser2015
Hum (ALA Notable Books for Adults) by Jamaal May2015
King Me by Roger Reeves2015
The Hundred Grasses: Poems by Leila Wilson2015
Night Radio by Young Kim2014
Little Murders Everywhere by Rebecca Morgan Frank2013
allegiance (Made in Michigan Writers Series) by francine j harris2013
Unbeknownst by Julie Hanson2012
Mule (New Poetry) by Shane McCrae2012
Up Jump the Boogie by John Murillo2011
Horse and Rider: Poems (Walt McDonald First-Book Series) by Melissa Range2011


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