Mathical Book PrizeAges 11-13
Given by Simons Laufer Mathematical Sciences Institute
Other Names: MSRI/CBC Mathical Books for Kids from Tots to Teens
28 Works 0 Books
The Mathical Book Prize aims to inspire a love of mathematics in the everyday world in children of all ages. Each year’s winners and honor books join a selective and ever-growing list of new and show more previously published fiction and non-fiction titles for youth. These titles are as varied as the intersection between literature and mathematics — that is to say, they encompass picture books, novels, poetry collections, puzzle books, biographies, and more!
Mathematics is much more than the manipulation of numbers shapes, and equations: it spans pattern, sequence, creative order, logical analysis, and problem-solving. The prize seeks to expand the public understanding and enjoyment of mathematics through highlighting titles that will inspire young people of all ages to see the world in new ways.
The Mathical selection panel is drawn from librarians, teachers, mathematicians, early childhood experts, and others. The jury selects winners in five grade-level categories: PreK, K-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12. show less
Winner 6
Honor Title 20
Hall of Fame Title 2
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