People/CharactersThe Beast

People/Characters by cover

Works (33)

5-Minute Princess Stories by Disney Book Group
Angel: Season 4 by Joss Whedon
Beauty and the Beast by Max Eilenberg
Beauty and the Beast by Marianna Mayer
Beauty and the Beast by Nancy Willard
Beauty and the Beast (Ladybird Well-Loved Tales) by Vera Southgate
Beauty and the Beast: The Graphic Novel (Graphic Spin) by Michael Dahl
Beauty and the Beasts: A Dark Tale [2010 Film] by David ListerVictor Parascos
Beauty and Two Beasts: MMF Bisexual Romance by A. Anders
The Blue Book of Fairy Tales: Rapunzel, Beauty and the Beast, Toads and Diamonds by Gordon Laite
Bryony and Roses by T. Kingfisher
The Classic Fairy Tales by Iona Opie
The Cloisters Apocalypse by Florens Deuchler
Disney's Beauty and the Beast by A. L. Singer
Divine Elimination by John Scott
Elektra: Assassin by Frank Miller
Enchanted Fashions: A Magnetic Book and Playset (Book and Magnetic Play Set) by Lara Bergen
Fairy Tales: Traditional Stories Retold for Gay Men by Peter Cashorali
The Great Fairy Tale Tradition: From Straparola and Basile to the Brothers Grimm [Norton Critical Edition] by Jack Zipes
H.P. Lovecraft's Beauty and the Beast by Trevor Markwart
Hauska satukirja by Tyyni Tuulio
Hotel Spa Potions by Chris Fisher
Hunters and Killers: Serial Killers by Dora Esquivel
Knight of Crowns by Chris Fisher
Krull by Alan Dean Foster
The Language of Thorns by Leigh Bardugo
The Mysterious message by Kitty Richards
Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere [comic book adaptation] by Mike Carey
Rose Daughter by Robin McKinley
The Summer of Beasts by James Hampton
Taken By The Beast by Madison Faye
Unauthorized Magic by Mike Cahill
Until Your Toes Curl Vol. 3: MMF Bisexual Romance Anthology by A. Anders