Algonquin Readers Round Table
This group has become officially dormant. It happens. If you want to revive this group, or create a new group on the same topic, see this page.
Looking for fiction of a different ilk? Love nonfiction that's off the beaten path? Then welcome to the Algonquin Readers Round Table--a group designed to discuss titles specifically published by long-time publisher, Algonquin Books. From Water for Elephants and An Arsonist's Guide to Writers' Homes in New England and The Children in Room E4 to Last Child in the Woods, we continue to go against the grain. I want this group to be an opportunity for avid readers to discuss what Algonquin titles make them tick, and which ones make them tock. Not sure you've ever read an Algonquin book? Look closer at your library, I bet you have a few sitting on your shelf right now!
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