Folio Society Devotees

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A complete list of all the books ever published by the Folio Society can be accessed by clicking here.

TopicTopicMessagesLast Message 
Pinned — FSD wiki and FS Book List easy access2 unread / 2podaniel, March 2022
What Are You Reading? (11)906 unread / 906LesMiserables, Yesterday 11:40pm
Ridiculous secondary prices for FS books 2021375 unread / 375Cat_of_Ulthar, Yesterday 10:54am
What does your username mean?126 unread / 126holymoorside, Yesterday 7:56am
Folio Archives 405: The Book of Common Prayer 20041 unread / 1wcarter, Thursday 9:10pm
Low stock ordinary FS editions #2340 unread / 340assemblyman, Thursday 3:15am
Folio Society Current - Chit Voucher Coupon Code - Thread164 unread / 164coynedj, Wednesday 6:07pm
Your Christmas Author30 unread / 30LesMiserables, Monday 10:40pm
Complete list of books produced by the Folio Society149 unread / 149wcarter, Monday 6:13pm
The Great American Novel Survey214 unread / 214Macumbeira, Monday 2:42pm
Enablement: Good Deals on FS books (7)176 unread / 176PartTimeBookAddict, Monday 1:53pm
A Folio Format audit of 202416 unread / 16anthonyfawkes, Monday 12:36pm
Folio Archives 5 : An Illustrated Journey Round the World by the Daniells - 200723 unread / 23wcarter, Monday 5:41am
DC Comics: The Golden Age 1938 - 195668 unread / 68coynedj, Sunday 9:25pm
Secondhand finds #5259 unread / 259woodstock8786, Sunday 4:41pm
Hobbit LE313 unread / 313wcarter, Saturday 10:24pm
Folio Archives 4: Journal of Our Life in the Highlands by Queen Victoria LE - 200210 unread / 10wcarter, December 6
A Modest Folio Society read _target for 202449 unread / 49LesMiserables, December 6
Enablement: Hard to find Folio Society books378 unread / 378jsilver2, December 6
Folio Archives 403: Surely You’re Joking, Mr Feynman! by Richard Feynman 20126 unread / 6jhicks62, December 5
Folio Archives 404: Reflections on the Revolution in France by Edmund Burke 20101 unread / 1wcarter, December 5
A strange/fun question: Do you have any favorite books that you don’t want as FS editions?22 unread / 22DukeOfOmnium, December 5
FS titles published annually21 unread / 21wcarter, December 3
Unboxing Protocols12 unread / 12HonorWulf, December 2
OT: Fitzcarraldo Editions – The First Decade Collection101 unread / 101kcshankd, December 1
Folio Archives 120: Night Thoughts by Edward Young. Illustrated by William Blake. Limited Edition 200545 unread / 45LT79, November 29
More Comics from Folio30 unread / 30FitzJames, November 27
New LE: Ulysses by James Joyce165 unread / 165LT79, November 27
I have just ordered / received #16187 unread / 187SpottedDick, November 26
Folio Archives 1 : The Gentleman's Daughter by Amanda Vickery 20067 unread / 7Cardboard_killer, November 25
Lord of the Rings LE 2022785 unread / 785stubedoo, November 24
New LE: 1984290 unread / 290St._Troy, November 24
Folio Archives 33: The Leopard by Giuseppe di Lampedusa 1988 and 200015 unread / 15Pendrainllwyn, November 24
Folio Archives 402: Catch-22 by Joseph Heller 20045 unread / 5adriano77, November 23
History of the Folio Society4 unread / 4TheEconomist, November 22
Folio Archives 48: Tractatus de Herbis limited edition 20039 unread / 9SF-72, November 22
New LE: Tales of Mystery and Imagination154 unread / 154HonorWulf, November 21
Folio Archives 322: The Monk by Matthew Lewis 198415 unread / 15assemblyman, November 21
Folio Archives 86: The Luttrell Psalter - Limited Edition 200613 unread / 13Lukas1990, November 21
Folio Magazine?2 unread / 2mr.philistine, November 19
I love Anime3 unread / 3folio_books, November 18
FSD Gathering in Brisbane20 unread / 20LesMiserables, November 17
How to See Fairies (Signed Edition) by Charles van Sandwyk8 unread / 8HonorWulf, November 17
FS works that you rather wish you had bought.56 unread / 56SF-72, November 17
Folio Archives 401: Ideas and Opinions by Albert Einstein 20103 unread / 3abysswalker, November 16
OT: Copperhead Press19 unread / 19CJR93, November 15
Folio Archives 400: The Best of Dorothy Parker - 199511 unread / 11jillmwo, November 10
The New Twelfth Night ..31 unread / 31BionicJim, November 8
Upcoming Christmas 2024 Titles?191 unread / 191HonorWulf, November 8
Lottery systems5 unread / 5cyber_naut, November 8
OT The Trollope Society3 unread / 3Atheistic, November 6
OT: The Wheels of Chance by H.G. Wells, Kings Langley Press61 unread / 61nick.dudine, November 4
The Tolkien Thread (4)53 unread / 53betaraybill, November 3
2025 Hints21 unread / 21red_guy, November 2
Folio Archives 399: Pensées by Blaise Pascal. 20112 unread / 2PartTimeBookAddict, November 1
Reading FS Poetry23 unread / 23Eumnestes, October 27
Gibson's Neuromancer is coming247 unread / 247A.Godhelm, October 27
Complete Sherlock Homes51 unread / 51PartTimeBookAddict, October 26
Autumn collection 2024129 unread / 129antinous_in_london, October 26
The best of FS is 202421 unread / 213040, October 26
Japanese Tales72 unread / 72cyber_naut, October 25
Spine Damage to Books?43 unread / 43Joligula, October 25
OT: Nice and affordable alternatives to Folio186 unread / 186ambyrglow, October 25
Quality changes between printings.19 unread / 19cronshaw, October 25
Folio Archives 398: Disasters of War by Francisco Goya LE 20145 unread / 5DanielOC, October 24
Dr. Carter is now world-famous45 unread / 45LesMiserables, October 24
A Canticle for Leibowitz LE162 unread / 1623040, October 22
Folio Archives 323: The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer 199014 unread / 14LesMiserables, October 21
Request for help on adding FS books to LT41 unread / 41LesMiserables, October 21
OT: Literary Societies27 unread / 27LesMiserables, October 19
OT: Illustrated edition of Diana Gabaldon's Outlander by Suntup Press3 unread / 3David_Mauduit, October 18
Folio Archives 397: Droll Stories by Balzac 19613 unread / 3BorisG, October 18
Foxing29 unread / 29Macumbeira, October 17
OT – Guardian: “How did bookshops suddenly become cool?”23 unread / 23Cat_of_Ulthar, October 17
I have just ordered ˜ received # 6227 unread / 227LesMiserables, October 14
This book needs to be done by Folio!303 unread / 303podaniel, October 11
Folio Archives 396: The Beach of Falesá by Robert Louis Stevenson - 19592 unread / 2podaniel, October 11
The Book Thief LE161 unread / 161bacchus., October 11
Dune Chronicles150 unread / 150wongie, October 10
LE Announcement Poe’s Tales of Mystery & Imagination4 unread / 4BooksFriendsNotFood, October 7
Joanna Reynolds tells it like it is (The Guardian)90 unread / 90Noel_G, October 7
Moonstone - new LE 2nd November 2023176 unread / 176Keith_Ldn, October 6
New Iliad and Odyssey108 unread / 108indianabones, October 5
Dan Hillier3 unread / 3HonorWulf, October 5
Folio Archives 395: The Poems of Thomas Gray – LIMITED EDITION 20135 unread / 5HonorWulf, October 4
Mystery books received217 unread / 217LesMiserables, October 3
Relativity by Albert Einstein5 unread / 5HonorWulf, October 3
Folio Archives 125: Ephemera - 1990 to 201953 unread / 53wcarter, October 2
Where are you?535 unread / 535brokenwolf, October 2
Bayeux Tapestry Limited edition2 unread / 2wcarter, September 29
Folio Archives 41: Beowulf 1973 and 201021 unread / 21LesMiserables, September 27
OT: Nice Editions of Harry Potter132 unread / 132folio_books, September 27
Eric Gill - Four Gospels Limited Edition63 unread / 63SF-72, September 27
Folio Archives 46: Domesday Book FS 2003 and Alecto 19879 unread / 9LesMiserables, September 27
Folio Archives 75: How to Cook a Hippopotamus by Ian Pindar 200612 unread / 12LesMiserables, September 27
Any thoughts on Pensees from Folio?15 unread / 15LesMiserables, September 27
Folio Archives 394: Landscape into Art by Kenneth Clark 20131 unread / 1wcarter, September 26
Hi. offf the topic, but help me pls2 unread / 2nilitbluzz, September 24
Folio Archives 386: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight 200810 unread / 10LesMiserables, September 22
Folio Archives 393: Stories by John Buchan 20086 unread / 6podaniel, September 20
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