Hello, welcome to Horror!, where we read, you guessed it, horror! ;)
This group was originally conceived as a side-project to another group, but ... stuff happened. There was a split. So Horror! became a group unto itself, woo!
Anyone is welcome to join us in our subgenre-themed horror reading! No requirements, feel free to pop in and out at your whim. :)
Our schedule for 2016:
January: Early modern horror: 1950-1980 (thread)
February: Horror in translation (thread)
March: Women authors (thread)
April: Slashers, serial killers & the like (thread)
May: Non-fiction (thread)
June: Stephen King & family (thread)
July: Graphic novels + children's/YA (thread)
August: Pre- through post-Victorian Gothic (thread)
September: Paranormal (thread)
October: Hauntings/ghost stories (thread)
November: Diversity in horror (thread)
December: Short stories
The list of reading suggestions for each theme can be found here.
The thread for general ?s & recs is here.
The pet discussion thread is here.