Most Disturbing Books
This group has become officially dormant. It happens. If you want to revive this group, or create a new group on the same topic, see this page.

This group was inspired by a thread which asked LTers what they thought are the most disturbing books they've read. That inspired the creation of the
profile and book catalog. If you suggested or read one of the books listed in the catalog, or want to suggest a new book, make a thread for it here!

TopicTopicMessagesLast Message 
Pompeii?6 unread / 6varielle, April 2018
Additions to Most Disturbing Books58 unread / 58Mordecai42, August 2015
New 'owner' of group4 unread / 4Mr.Durick, January 2012
How do we define what constitutes a "disturbing" book?16 unread / 16MostDisturbingBooks, January 2012
Scaring the kids14 unread / 14poetontheone, August 2011
Who wants to read [Ten Books That Screwed Up The World] as a discussion/club?18 unread / 18rolandperkins, June 2011
"Yeval" by C. W. Schultz3 unread / 3GeekyRandy, July 2010
Announcement2 unread / 2Moomin_Mama, May 2010
Gordon Burn dies in Jul 092 unread / 2Booksloth, February 2010
Child of God4 unread / 4Randy_Hierodule, November 2009
Disturbing books which DIDN'T disturb9 unread / 9Moomin_Mama, May 2009
Group thread38 unread / 38AngelaB86, December 2008
Catching Up1 unread / 1MostDisturbingBooks, December 2008
A couple from my library3 unread / 3Moomin_Mama, September 2008
If this is man?6 unread / 6Moomin_Mama, May 2008
Many members, much variety, and definitions...5 unread / 5MostDisturbingBooks, April 2008
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