Wording: Social sciencesPolitical sciencePolitical science (Politics and government)Political ideologiesConservatismStandard subdivisionsHistory, geographic treatment, biographyEurope
Dewmoji: 👫👑👑💡👴???
0 Computer science, information & general works 228,059 ℹ️ | 1 Philosophy & psychology 244,744 💭 | 2 Religion 590,760 🙏 | 3 Social sciences 1,236,403 👫 | 4 Language 189,771 💬 | 5 Science 399,757 🔬 | 6 Technology 886,875 💡 | 7 Arts & recreation 921,844 🎨 | 8 Literature 1,299,758 📚 | 9 History & geography 747,320 🗺️ |
30 Social sciences, sociology & anthropology 246,977 🧑🤝🧑 | 31 Statistics 4,052 📊 | 32 Political science 138,624 👑 | 33 Economics 212,906 🐂 | 34 Law 142,705 ⚖️ | 35 Public administration & military science 58,843 🪖 | 36 Social problems & social services 157,298 🏚️ | 37 Education 162,995 🎓 | 38 Commerce, communications & transportation 46,507 🛣 | 39 Customs, etiquette & folklore 65,496 🎑 |
320 Political science (Politics and government) 51,911 👑 | 321 Systems of governments and states 6,364 🎠 | 322 Relation of the state to organized groups and their members 6,240 ✊ | 323 Civil and political rights 15,079 🛡 | 324 The political process 14,230 🌭 | 325 International migration and colonization 5,873 ⏏ | 326 Slavery and emancipation 1,101 ⛓ | 327 International Relations 30,197 🗺 | 328 The legislative process 5,719 🗣 | 329 [Unassigned] 1,910 |
320.0 Political Science 7,507 👑 | 320.1 The State 2,656 🏛️ | 320.2 Political Legitimacy 65 | 320.3 Comparative Politics 480 | 320.4 Democracy; Structure and functions of government 2,091 🗳️ | 320.5 Political ideologies 10,887 💡 | 320.6 Policy formulation 1,516 | 320.7 32 | 320.8 Local Government 1,072 | 320.9 Political situation and conditions 16,740 🔙 |
320.50 Political ideologies 406 💡 | 320.51 Liberalism 1,407 | 320.52 Conservatism 837 👴 | 320.53 Radicalism, collectivism, fascism 2,412 ↔️ | 320.54 Nationalism, regionalism, internationalism 2,186 🗺️ | 320.55 Religiously oriented ideologies 402 🛐 | 320.56 Racism 371 🧑🧒 | 320.57 Anarchism 279 Ⓐ | 320.58 Environmentalist political ideologies 61 ♻️ | 320.59 2 |
320.520 Standard subdivisions 558 | 320.521 1 | 320.522 | 320.523 1 | 320.524 | 320.525 | 320.526 | 320.527 | 320.528 | 320.529 |
320.5200 | 320.5201 3 | 320.5202 2 | 320.5203 1 | 320.5204 | 320.5205 | 320.5206 | 320.5207 | 320.5208 11 | 320.5209 History, geographic treatment, biography 536 |
320.52090 | 320.52091 1 | 320.52092 Biography 59 | 320.52093 | 320.52094 Europe 98 | 320.52095 Asia 7 | 320.52096 | 320.52097 North America 341 | 320.52098 South America 10 | 320.52099 Pacific 8 |
320.520940 | 320.520941 British Isles -- Scotland And Ireland 30 | 320.520942 | 320.520943 Germany & Central Europe 27 | 320.520944 France & Monaco 11 | 320.520945 2 | 320.520946 4 | 320.520947 Russia & Eastern Europe 4 | 320.520948 Scandinavia 3 | 320.520949 1 |
Selected Works under MDS 320.52094 (98)
- Conservatism in Europe, 1770-1945: Traditionalism, Reaction, and Counter-Revolution (History of European civilization library) by John Weiss
- The New Right in Britain: An Introduction to Theory and Practice (Pluto Perspectives) by Harry Cowen
- Inventing the Silent Majority in Western Europe and the United States: Conservatism in the 1960s and 1970s (Publications of the German Historical Institute) by Anna Von der Goltz
- Reflections on Conservative Politics in the United Kingdom and the United States: Still Soul Mates? by Mark McNaught
- Crown, Church and Constitution: Popular Conservatism in England, 1815-1867 (Studies in British and Imperial History) by Jörg Neuheiser
- The German right in the Weimar Republic : studies in the history of German conservatism, nationalism, and antisemitism from 1918 to 1933 by Larry Eugene Jones
- Konservativ in 30 Tagen. Ein Hand- und Wörterbuch Frankfurter Allgemeinplätze by Friedrich Christian Delius
- Germany's New Right as Culture and Politics (New Perspectives in German Political Studies) by Roger Woods
- Die Bielefelder Rechtsextremismus-Studie: Erste Langzeituntersuchung zur politischen Sozialisation männlicher Jugendlicher by Wilhelm Heitmeyer
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