Early Reviewers
Adira is a Biblical historical fiction novel featuring the fictional niece of the Biblical Nehemiah. When Nehemiah answered God's call to build a wall in Jerusalem, who knew it would turn a young girl's world upside-down. To Nehemiah's teenage niece, Jerusalem seemed a world away. Despite enemy threats, Adira's father and Uncle are bent on going. Tired of sharing her father with the strange city, the young girl resents the Jewish homeland. How could a real God allow life to get so out of control? Little did Adira know the upheaval she had faced so far was about to seem inconsequential. But perhaps she'll learn to appreciate what she has when it's all gone. Travel with Adira to places unknown as she journeys toward freedom and searches for home.
- Media
- Ebook
- Genres
- Christian Fiction, Romance, Historical Fiction, Fiction and Literature
- Offered by
- LynneModranski (Author)
- Published by
- Mansion Hill Press
- Batch
- August 2022 Starts: 2022-08-01Ended: 2022-08-25
- On Sale
- 2022-08-30
- Countries
- USA Only
- Links
- Book Information
LibraryThing Work Page - Receipt
- 3 reviewed
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