Club Read 2017
Welcome to Club Read 2017!
We are a group of serious readers who are varied and thoughtful in our reading and like to log/journal our reading and follow what others are reading. Please take a look around to see if we're the kind of readers you'd like to hang with. Many of us have been together on earlier versions of Club Read, but we always welcome new readers!
What to do: Create your own thread, naming it whatever you like but please include your name (username and/or other preferred moniker) in the title. This is so others can easily find you, and keep things less confusing. Feel free to include any and all reading you do, whatever you'd like to journal. Also note, a few lines of commentary about each entry, even if you are linking to your review elsewhere, encourage interest and thus conversation.
This group is for its members. Please feel free to start threads that you think would be of interest in addition to the standard ones.
And have fun reading!
Who We Are
Introduce Yourself and Greet Your Fellow Club Readers
Club Cucina is where we chat about all things food!
Questions for the Avid Reader is our thread for answering biweekly questions about our book habits.
The Message Board is for anything general regarding the group, questions etc.
Other Groups of Interest
Reading Globally, this group reads from regions/themes around the globe.
Monthly Author Reads, this group reads a different author each month, chosen by group vote.
Horror!, this group reads a different category of horror every month.
Literary Centennials, a group for celebrating centennial birthdays of major authors by reading their works.