SeriesRifters Trilogy

Series author: Peter Watts

6 Works Popularity 7,089 (1,450 Members) 2,754 Books 91 Reviews ½ 3.8


Beyond the Rift by Peter Watts 220 copies, 7 reviewsShort stories: "Home"; "A Niche"
Starfish by Peter Watts 1,258 copies, 48 reviewsBook 1
Maelstrom by Peter Watts 643 copies, 17 reviewsBook 2
Behemoth: B-Max: Rifters Trilogy, Book 3 Part I by Peter Watts 86 copies, 6 reviewsBook 3

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Behemoth : B-Max by Peter Watts 278 copies, 6 reviewsBook 3, Vol 1
Behemoth : Seppuku by Peter Watts 261 copies, 7 reviewsBook 3, Vol 2

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A dark, hard SF series that follows characters who start as officers of a power-station feeding from an oceanic vent, chosen for their unusual psychologies and surgically modified to survive the deep-sea environment. (English, Unclassified)


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