SeriesStudies in Pre-Columbian Art and Archaeology

40 Works Popularity 63,180 (67 Members) 145 Books 1 Review ½ 3.5


An early stone pectoral from southeastern Mexico by Michael D. Coe 3 copies1
Three Maya relief panels at Dumbarton Oaks by Michael D. Coe 3 copies2
Thoughts on the Meaning and Use of Pre-Hispanic Mexican Sellos by Frederick V. Field 4 copies3
The Iconography of the Art of Teotihuacan by George Kubler 5 copies4
Two Aztec Wood Idols: Iconographic and Chronologic Analysis by H. B. Nicholson 0 copies5
The Olmec Paintings of Oxtotitlan Cave, Guerrero, Mexico by David C. Grove 4 copies6
A study of Olmec iconography (Studies in pre-Columbian art and archeology) by Peter David Joralemon 5 copies7
An Olmec figure at Dumbarton Oaks by Elizabeth P. Benson 0 copies8
A Possible Focus of Andean Artistic Influence in Mesoamerica by Mino Badner 2 copies9
Izapan-style art : a study of its form and meaning by Jacinto Quirarte 3 copies10
Human decapitation in ancient Mesoamerica, Studies in Pre-Columbian Art and Archaeology, No. 11 by Christopher L. Moser 2 copies11
The thread of life : symbolism of miniature art from Ecuador by Johannes Wilbert 1 copy12
A further exploration of the Rowe Chavín seriation and its implications for North Central Coast chronology by Peter G. Roe 2 copies13
A man and a feline in Mochica art by Elizabeth P. Benson 3 copies14
The Iconography of the Teotihuacan Tlaloc by Esther Pasztory 8 copies15
Seven matched hollow gold jaguars from Peru's early horizon by Heather Lechtman 1 copy16
Ecology and the Arts in Ancient Panama: On the Development of Social Rank and Symbolism in the Central Provinces (Dumbarton Oaks Pre-Columbian Art and Archaeology Studies Series) by Olga F. Linares 5 copies, 1 review17
Aspects of classic Maya rulership on two inscribed vessels (Studies in pre-Columbian art and archaeology) by George Kubler 2 copies18
The Danzantes of Monte Albán by Scott 3 copies19
State and cosmos in the art of Tenochtitlan by Richard Fraser Townsend 11 copies20
The burial theme in Moche iconography by Christopher B. Donnan 1 copy21
The Origins of Chavín Culture by Chiaki Kanō 1 copy22
A Study of Olmec Sculptural Chronology by Susan Milbrath 1 copy23
Chacs and Chiefs: The Iconology of Mosaic Stone Sculpture in Pre-Conquest Yucatán, Mexico by Rosemary Sharp 1 copy24
The mirror, the rabbit, and the bundle : "accession" expressions from the Classic Maya inscriptions by Linda Schele 1 copy25
Four lienzos of the Coixtlahuaca Valley by Ross Parmenter 0 copies26
Izapa relief carving : form, content, rules for design, and role in Mesoamerican art history and archaeology by Virginia G. Smith 2 copies27
The Origins of Maya Art: Monumental Stone Sculpture of Kaminaljuyu, Guatemala, and the Southern Pacific Coast by Lee Allen Parsons 5 copies28
The House of the Bacabs, Copan, Honduras by David L. Webster 2 copies29
Axe-Monies and Their Relatives by Dorothy Hosler 5 copies30
The Frieze of the Palace of the Stuccoes, Acanceh, Yucatan, Mexico by Virginia E. Miller 2 copies31
The Major Gods of Ancient Yucatan by Karl A. Taube 12 copies32
Classic Maya Place Names by David Stuart 9 copies33
Zapotec Hieroglyphic Writing by Javier Urcid 2 copies34
Sandals from Coahuila caves : with an introduction to the Coahuila Project, Coahuila, Mexico : 1937-1941, 1947 by Walter W. Taylor 2 copies35
Script and Glyph: Pre-Hispanic History, Colonial Bookmaking, and the Historia Tolteca-Chichimeca by Dana Leibsohn 15 copies36
Place and identity in classic Maya narratives by Alexandre Tokovinine 10 copies37
Holes in the Head: The Art and Archaeology of Trepanation in Ancient Peru (Dumbarton Oaks Pre-Columbian Art and Archaeology Studies Series) by John W. Verano 2 copies38
Painted words : Nahua Catholicism, politics, and memory in the Atzaqualco pictorial catechism by Elizabeth Hill Boone 0 copies39

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English: Dumbarton Oaks Pre-Columbian Art and Archaeology Studies Series


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