SeriesSacred Writings
Series author: Jaroslav Pelikan
8 Works
Popularity 9,719 (1,016 Members)
1,798 Books
9 Reviews
On Searching the Scriptures -- Your Own or Someone Else's: A Reader's Guide to Sacred Writings and Methods of Studying Them by Jaroslav Pelikan 148 copies, 1 review | reader's guide |
Judaism: The Tanakh by Jaroslav Pelikan 209 copies | 1 |
Christianity: The Apocrypha and the New Testament (Sacred Writings, Vol. 2) by Jaroslav Pelikan 184 copies | 2 |
Al-Qur'an: A Contemporary Translation (Ahmed Ali, 1984) by al-Qur'an 603 copies, 3 reviews | 3 |
Confucianism: The Analects of Confucius by Confucius 182 copies, 2 reviews | 4 |
Hinduism: The Rig Veda by Jaroslav Pelikan 239 copies, 3 reviews | 5 |
Buddhism: The Dhammapada by Jaroslav Pelikan 179 copies | 6 |
Collections and Selections
Sacred Writings: Six Volume Set (Volumes 1 through 6) by Jaroslav Pelikan 54 copies | 6 volume set |
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