SeriesCircle of Magic: School of Wizardry

Series authors: Debra Doyle, James D. Macdonald

8 Works Popularity 15,842 (561 Members) 1,167 Books 3 Reviews ½ 3.9
School of Wizardry by Debra Doyle 276 copies, 1 review1
Secret Of The Tower by Debra Doyle 215 copies2
The Wizard's Statue by Debra Doyle 190 copies3
Danger In The Palace by Debra Doyle 172 copies4
The Wizard's Castle by Debra Doyle 125 copies, 1 review5
The High King's Daughter by Debra Doyle 158 copies6
Mystery at Wizardry School by Debra Doyle 18 copies, 1 review7
Voice of the Ice by Debra Doyle 12 copies8

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This Circle of Magic series about Randal, Lys, and Walter is not the same as Tamora Pierce's Circle of Magic series about Sandry, Tris, Daja, and Briar. Other names for this series include The Wizard's Apprentice, Tarnsberg, School of Wizardry, etc. Book 1: School of Wizardry Book 2: Tournament and Tower/Secret of the Tower Book 3: The City by the Sea/The Wizard's Statue Book 4: The Prince's Players/Danger in the Palace Book 5: The Prisoners of Bell Castle/The Wizard's Castle Book 6: The High King's Daughter Book 7: Mystery at Wizardry School Book 8: Voice of the Ice (English, Unclassified)


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