SeriesAspen Casebook Series

26 Works Popularity 13,486 (685 Members) 1,431 Books 4 Reviews ½ 3.8
Cases and Materials on Employment Discrimination by Michael J. Zimmer 10 copies
Cases and Materials on Torts by Richard A. Epstein 92 copies
Children, Parents, and the Law: Public and Private Authority in the Home, Schools, and Juvenile Courts by Leslie J. Harris 12 copies
Civil Procedure: A Coursebook [Connected Casebook] (Aspen Casebook) by Joseph W. Glannon 15 copies
Civil Procedure: Doctrine, Practice, and Context by Stephen N. Subrin 15 copies
Civil Procedure: Examples and Explanations by Joseph W. Glannon 236 copies
Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organization by William T. Allen 55 copies
Constitutional Law by Geoffrey R. Stone 164 copies, 1 review
Constitutional Law by Erwin Chemerinsky 75 copies
Contracts: Cases and Materials by Friedrich Kessler 12 copies
Copyright in a Global Information Economy by Julie E. Cohen 23 copies, 1 review
Criminal Procedure: Adjudication and Right To Counsel [Connected Casebook] (Aspen Casebook) by Ronald J. Allen 2 copies
Criminal Procedure: Investigation & Right To Counsel, 2nd Edition (Aspen Casebook) by Ronald J. Allen 10 copies
Ethical Problems in the Practice of Law by Lisa G. Lerman 90 copies
Land Use Controls: Cases and Materials by Robert C. Ellickson 11 copies
The Law of American Health Care by Nicole Huberfeld 0 copies
The Law of Debtors and Creditors: Text, Cases, and Problems (Aspen Casebook) by Elizabeth Warren 25 copies, 1 review
Legal Negotiation Theory & Strategy 2e by Russell Korobkin 8 copies
Modern Family Law: Cases and Materials by D. Kelly Weisberg 19 copies
Processes of Constitutional Decisionmaking: Cases and Materials by Paul Brest 84 copies
Property by Jesse Dukeminier 255 copies, 1 review
Property Law: Rules, Policies, and Practices by Joseph William Singer 79 copies
Regulation of Lawyers: Problems of Law and Ethics by Stephen Gillers 73 copies
Religion and the Constitution by Michael W. McConnell 17 copies
Sentencing Law & Policy: Cases Statutes & Guidelines, Third Edition (Aspen Casebooks) by Nora Demleitner 2 copies
Tort Law: Responsibilities and Redress by John C. P. Goldberg 19 copies


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