SeriesPeople of the Bible

Series author: Catherine Storr

24 Works Popularity 14,357 (634 Members) 3,230 Books 24 Reviews 3.3
Abraham and Isaac (People of the Bible Series) by Catherine Storr 139 copies
Adam and Eve (People of the Bible) by Catherine Storr 116 copies
The Birth of Jesus (People of the Bible) by Catherine Storr 184 copies, 3 reviews
David and Goliath (People of the Bible Series) by Catherine Storr 174 copies, 2 reviews
The First Easter (People of the Bible) by Catherine Storr 119 copies, 2 reviews
The Good Samaritan by Catherine Storr 118 copies, 1 review
Jesus and John the Baptist (People of the Bible) by Catherine Storr 107 copies, 1 review
Jesus Begins His Work (People of the Bible) by Catherine Storr 155 copies, 2 reviews
Jesus the Healer (People of the Bible : the Bible Through Stories and Pictures) by Catherine Storr 100 copies, 1 review
Jonah and the Whale (People of the Bible) by Catherine Storr 115 copies, 1 review
Joseph and His Brothers (People of the Bible) by Catherine Storr 193 copies, 2 reviews
Joseph and the famine (People of the Bible) by Catherine Storr 123 copies, 1 review
Joseph the Dream Teller (People of the Bible) by Catherine Storr 118 copies, 1 review
King David (People of the Bible : The Bible Through Stories and Pictures) by Catherine Storr 124 copies, 1 review
Miracles by the Sea (People of the Bible) by Catherine Storr 128 copies
Moses and the Plagues (People of the Bible Series) by Catherine Storr 123 copies
Moses in the Wilderness (People of the Bible) by Catherine Storr 128 copies, 1 review
Moses of the Bulrushes (People of the Bible) by Catherine Storr 123 copies, 1 review
Noah and His Ark (People of the Bible) by Catherine Storr 198 copies, 1 review
The Prodigal Son (People of the Bible) by Catherine Storr 132 copies, 1 review
Ruth's Story (People of the Bible : The Bible Through Stories and Pictures) by Catherine Storr 133 copies
Samson and Delilah (People of the Bible : the Bible Through Stories and Pictures) by Catherine Storr 124 copies
St. Peter and St. Paul (People of the Bible Series) by Catherine Storr 123 copies, 1 review
The Trials of Daniel (People of the Bible) by Catherine Storr 128 copies, 1 review


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