SeriesZamoniaOriginal name: Zamonien
Series author: Walter Moers
15 Works
Popularity 1,992 (5,050 Members)
9,997 Books
264 Reviews
The 13½ Lives of Captain Bluebear by Walter Moers 2,943 copies, 85 reviews | 1 |
Ensel und Krete by Walter Moers 651 copies, 8 reviews | 2 |
Rumo and His Miraculous Adventures by Walter Moers 1,424 copies, 28 reviews | 3 |
The city of Dreaming Books by Walter Moers 3,043 copies, 93 reviews | 4 |
The Alchemaster's Apprentice by Walter Moers 905 copies, 27 reviews | 5 |
The Labyrinth of Dreaming Books by Walter Moers 588 copies, 16 reviews | 6 |
Prinzessin Insomnia & der alptraumfarbene Nachtmahr: Roman by Walter Moers 128 copies, 3 reviews | 7 |
Weihnachten auf der Lindwurmfeste: oder: Warum ich Hamoulimepp hasse by Walter Moers 60 copies | 8 |
Der Bücherdrache: Roman - mit Illustrationen des Autors by Walter Moers 104 copies, 3 reviews | 9 |
Die Insel der Tausend Leuchttürme: Roman by Walter Moers 48 copies, 1 review | 10 |
Das Einhörnchen, das rückwärts leben wollte by Walter Moers 16 copies | 11 |
Das Schloss der Träumenden Bücher: Roman by Walter Moers 14 copies | not yet published |
Collections and Selections
Pimeyden ihmeet 1: Rumo Ylämaailmassa by Walter Moers 12 copies | Rumo part 1 |
Pimeyden ihmeet 2: Rumo Alimaailmassa by Walter Moers 12 copies | Rumo part 2 |
Companion books
Other Names
Dutch: Zamonië — Finnish: Pimeyden ihmeet — German: Zamonien — Italian: Zamonia
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