SeriesMicky Knight Mysteries
Series author: J. M. Redmann
11 Works
Popularity 22,728 (345 Members)
867 Books
18 Reviews
Death by the Riverside by J. M. Redmann 205 copies, 5 reviews | 1 |
Deaths of Jocasta by J. M. Redmann 176 copies, 7 reviews | 2 |
The Intersection of Law and Desire by J. M. Redmann 184 copies, 3 reviews | 3 |
Lost Daughters by J. M. Redmann 113 copies, 1 review | 4 |
Death of a Dying Man by J. M. Redmann 62 copies, 1 review | 5 |
Water Mark by J. M. Redmann 50 copies | 6 |
Ill Will by J. M. Redmann 37 copies, 1 review | 7 |
The Shoal of Time by J. M. Redmann 18 copies | 8 |
The Girl on the Edge of Summer by J. M. Redmann 12 copies | 9 |
Not Dead Enough by J. M. Redmann 5 copies | 10 |
Transitory by J. M. Redmann 5 copies | 11 |
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