Publisher SeriesCambridge Greek and Latin Classics


Amphitruo [in Latin] by Plautus 114 copies, 3 reviews
Antigone by Sófocles 5,791 copies, 68 reviews
Antiphon: The Speeches by Antiphon 36 copies
The Argonautica, book 3 by Apollonius of Rhodes 74 copies
Bacchylides: A Selection (Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics) by Bacchylides 23 copies
Casina by Plautus 114 copies
Cicero: De re publica: Selections by Marcus Tullius Cicero 55 copies
Cicero: Philippics I-II by Marcus Tullius Cicero 89 copies
Cicero: Select Letters by Marcus Tullius Cicero 138 copies, 1 review
The Confessions. Books 1-4 by Augustine 45 copies
Demosthenes: On the Crown by Demosthenes 150 copies, 1 review
Demosthenes: Selected Private Speeches by Demosthenes 62 copies
Dio Chrysostom: Orations: 7, 12 and 36 by Chrysostom Dio 19 copies
Eclogae {Latin} by Virgil 126 copies, 3 reviews
Elegies: Book IV by Sextus Propertius 70 copies
Euripides: Medea [Ancient Greek] by Euripides 332 copies, 1 review
Greek and Latin Letters: An Anthology with Translation (Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics) by Michael Trapp 24 copies
Greek Poetry of the Imperial Period: An Anthology by Neil Hopkinson 13 copies
A Hellenistic Anthology by Neil Hopkinson 97 copies
Homer: Iliad Book 22 (Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics) by Homer 12 copies
Homer: Iliad Book XXIV (Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics) by Homer 95 copies
Homer: Odyssey Books XIX and XX (Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics) by Homer 39 copies
Horace: Epistles Book I by Horace 28 copies
Horace: Epistles Book II and Ars Poetica by Horace 46 copies
Horace: Odes IV and Carmen Saeculare (Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics) by Horace 14 copies
Horace: Satires Book I (Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics) by Horace 39 copies
In Catilinam by Marcus Tullius Cicero 296 copies, 4 reviews
Lucian: A Selection (Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics) by Lucian 18 copies
Lysias: Selected Speeches by Lysias 130 copies, 1 review
Medea [in Translation] by Euripides 3,033 copies, 52 reviews
Menaechmi by Plautus 312 copies, 6 reviews
The Odyssey, Books VI-VIII (Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics) by Homer 51 copies
Oedipus Rex by Sophokles 6,862 copies, 69 reviews
Ovid: Fasti Book III by Ovid 12 copies
Ovid: Heroides XVI-XXI by Ovid 38 copies
Ovid: Heroides: Select Epistles by Ovid 56 copies
Ovid: Metamorphoses Book XIV (Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics) by Ovid 22 copies
Phaedrus by Plato 1,912 copies, 7 reviews
Pindar: Victory Odes by Pindar 70 copies, 1 review
Plato: Alcibiades I [Greek Text] by Plato 80 copies, 1 review
Pliny the Younger: 'Epistles' Book II (Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics) by Pliny the Younger 16 copies
Plutarch: How to Study Poetry (De audiendis poetis) (Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics) by Plutarch 9 copies
Pro Sexto Roscio by Marcus Tullius Cicero 54 copies
Prometheus Bound by Aeschylus 1,283 copies, 19 reviews
A Selection: Idylls 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 11 and 13 by Theocritus 35 copies
Seneca: De otio; De brevitate vitae (Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics) by Seneca 24 copies
Statius: Silvae Book II (Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics) by Statius 7 copies
Symposium (Greek text) by Plato 367 copies
Tacitus: Annals Book IV by Tacitus 67 copies
Tacitus: Annals Book IV (Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics) (Latin and English Edition) by R Tacitus 5 copies
Tacitus: Histories Book I by Tacitus 50 copies
Tacitus: Histories Book II (Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics) (Bk. 2) by Tacitus 18 copies
Thucydides, Book 2 by Thucydides 77 copies
Virgil: Georgics: Volume 1, Books I-II (Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics) by Virgil 65 copies
Xenophon on Government (Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics) by Xenophon 13 copies

Collections and Selections

Aeneid, book 11 by Virgil 38 copies
Aeneid, book 8 by Virgil 73 copies
Aeneid, book 9 by Virgil 73 copies, 1 review
Aeschylus: Eumenides (Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics) by Aeschylus 232 copies, 5 reviews
Apocolocyntosis by Lucius Annaeus Seneca, the Younger 200 copies, 1 review
De Bello Civili Book 2 by Lucan 38 copies
Cupid and Psyche by Apuleius 528 copies, 6 reviews
Divus Claudius by Suetonius 55 copies, 2 reviews
Helen by Euripides 224 copies, 3 reviews
Herodotus: Histories Book IX (Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics) by Herodotus 45 copies
Historiae 8: Urania by Herodotus 65 copies
History of Rome : Book 6 [in Latin] by Titus Livius 36 copies
Horace: Epodes by Horace 51 copies
Juvenal: Satires Book I by Juvenal 65 copies
Lucretius: De Rerum Natura Book 3 (Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics) by Lucretius 79 copies
Martial : Selected Epigrams (Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics) by Martial 45 copies
Ovid: Fasti Book IV by Ovid 35 copies, 1 review
Phaedra by Lucius Annaeus Seneca, the Younger 127 copies
Philoctetes (translation) by Sophokles 419 copies, 5 reviews
Plutarch: Life of Antony (Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics) by Plutarch 44 copies
Protagoras by Plato 610 copies, 8 reviews
Tacitus: Dialogus de oratoribus by P. Cornelius Tacitus 127 copies, 2 reviews
Virgil: The Georgics, Vol. II: Book III-IV by Virgil 62 copies

