Publisher SeriesW&Wserien


Höknatt by Sven Fagerberg 38 copies2
En blå bok : avdelning 1 : avlämnad till vederbörande och utgörande kommentar till "Svarta fanor" by August Strindberg 27 copies, 1 review11
The Unknown Soldier by Väinö Linna 824 copies, 14 reviews16
Historia kring Karl XII by Gustaf Jonasson 7 copies45
Från visa till symfoni by Ingmar Bengtsson 12 copies49
Vättern by Folke Dahlberg 10 copies62
Land of Wooden Gods by Jan Fridegård 153 copies, 2 reviews66
Dikter 1935-1962 by Olof Lagercrantz 7 copies70
Europas filosofi : från medeltiden till nutiden by Harald Schjelderup 15 copies109
Caroli Linnaei Iter Lapponicum Dei gratia institutum 1732 ... by Carl von Linné 78 copies, 2 reviews110
Kring demokratins genombrott i Sverige by Stig Hadenius 5 copies126
Quiet Days in Clichy by Henry Miller 820 copies, 13 reviews132
Kring industrialismens genombrott i Sverige by Lennart Jörberg 3 copies138
Franz Kafka by Max Brod 363 copies, 2 reviews149
Contemporary Physics by David Allen Park 10 copies167
Under the North Star 2: The Uprising by Väinö Linna 227 copies, 5 reviews169
The nature of psychological inquiry by Ray Hyman 14 copies194
Coup d'Etat by Edward Luttwak 404 copies, 6 reviews215
The New Industrial State by John Kenneth Galbraith 794 copies, 7 reviews221
Amerikansk undergroundpoesi by Gunnar Harding 2 copies228
The First Circle by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn 2,537 copies, 30 reviews241
The Air Cage by Per Wästberg 48 copies248
The Children of the Dream by Bruno Bettelheim 186 copies, 1 review260
Deschooling Society by Ivan Illich 1,175 copies, 18 reviews317
Love's Gravity by Per Wästberg 23 copies333
Nyutnämningen by Alexander Alfredowitsch Beck 15 copies337
The Republic of Labor by Aleksandr Isaevic Solzenicyn 13 copies343
Kunskap, insikt, frigörelse : 10 inlägg om etablerad och alternativ undervisning by Lilian Levin 3 copies349
Inte bara ord by Michaël Wächter 2 copies350
Primal Scream by Arthur Janov 271 copies, 4 reviews354
The Gulag Archipelago, 1918-1956: An Experiment in Literary Investigation (Volume Two, Parts III-IV) by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn 1,740 copies, 10 reviews370
Yttrandefrihetens gränser : om rätten till folklig opinionsbildning : en praktisk handledning by Göran Bodin 3 copies377
Por una escuela del pueblo by Célestin Freinet 26 copies, 1 review378
The Ginger Man by J. P. Donleavy 1,905 copies, 33 reviews379
Children Are the Revolution : Day Care in Cuba by Marvin Leiner 9 copies398
Kärlek, jämlikhet, äktenskap? : om pojkar, flickor, kärlek, parbildning, könsroller by Marianne Fredriksson 7 copies406
The Wanting Seed by Anthony Burgess 1,144 copies, 25 reviews415
The Gulag Archipelago, 1918-1956: An Experiment in Literary Investigation (Volume Three, Parts V-VII) by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn 994 copies, 8 reviews422
Medveten människa : en metod att utforska förhållandet mellan individ och samhälle by Björn Magnér 4 copies426
In Evil Hour by Gabriel García Márquez 1,877 copies, 21 reviews436

Collections and Selections

