Publisher SeriesDover Books on Intermediate and Advanced Mathematics


A Course in Mathematical Analysis, Vol. 2 by Edouard Goursat 5 copies
Advanced Calculus by Edwin Bidwell Wilson 9 copies
Advanced Complex Calculus by Kenneth S. Miller 6 copies
Algebraic Curves by Robert John Walker 26 copies
Algebraic functions by Gilbert Ames Bliss 12 copies
Algebraic Theories by Leonard E. Dickson 15 copies
Algebras and their arithmetics by Leonard E. Dickson 18 copies
Analysis and Design of Experiments: Analysis of Variance and Analysis of Variance Designs by H. B. Mann 13 copies
Analysis of Straight-Line Data by Forman S. Acton 13 copies
Analytic Functions of a Complex Variable by David Raymond Curtiss 13 copies
Applications of Tensor Analysis by A. J. McConnell 49 copies
Applied Bessel functions by Frederick Ernest Relton 5 copies
Applied group-theoretic and matrix methods by Bryan Higman 5 copies
Atoms, Molecules, and Quanta, Vol. 1 by Arthur Edward Ruark 2 copies
Atoms, Molecules, and Quanta, Vol. 2 by Arthur Edward Ruark 2 copies
Calculus of variations by Andrew Russell Forsyth 13 copies
Calculus Refresher (Dover Books on Mathematics) by A. A. Klaf 110 copies, 2 reviews
A Catalog of Special Plane Curves (Dover Books on Mathematics) by J. Dennis Lawrence 43 copies
Collected Mathematical Papers, 3 Volume Set by George David Birkhoff 3 copies
Collected Mathematical Papers, Vol. 1 by George David Birkhoff 1 copy
Collected Mathematical Papers, Vol. 2 by George David Birkhoff 1 copy
Collected Mathematical Papers, Vol. 3 by George David Birkhoff 1 copy
The Collected Works of Bernhard Riemann (Dover Books on Mathematics) by Bernhard Riemann 6 copies
A Collection of Modern Mathematical Classics by Richard Bellman 3 copies
Computational Methods of Linear Algebra by V. N. Faddeeva 49 copies
Continuous groups of transformations by Luther Pfahler Eisenhart 10 copies
Contributions to the Founding of the Theory of Transfinite Numbers by Georg Cantor 181 copies, 2 reviews
A Course in Mathematical Analysis by Edouard Goursat 23 copies
A Course in Mathematical Analysis, Vol. 1 by Edouard Goursat 15 copies
A Course in Mathematical Analysis, Vol. 3 by Edouard Goursat 1 copy
A COURSE IN MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS, Volume III, Part Two: Integral Equations, Calculus of Variations by Edouard Goursat 2 copies
Development of the Minkowski geometry of numbers by Harris Hancock 9 copies
Differential and integral calculus by Philip Franklin 3 copies
Differential Geometry by William C. Graustein 13 copies
Dimensional analysis by H. E. Huntley 1 copy
Diophantus of Alexandria: A Study in the History of Greek Algebra by Thomas L. Heath 29 copies
Elementary Concepts of Topology by Paul Alexandroff 119 copies, 2 reviews
An Elementary Introduction to the Theory of Probability by B. V. Gnedenko 63 copies, 1 review
Elementary Mathematics from an Advanced Standpoint, Vol. 2: Geometry by Felix Klein 101 copies, 1 review
Elementary Principles of Statistical Mechanics by J. Willard Gibbs 43 copies
Elements of Number Theory by I.M. Vinogradov 54 copies
Essays on the Theory of Numbers by Richard Dedekind 234 copies, 2 reviews
Finite deformation of an elastic solid by Francis D. Murnaghan 4 copies
The Foundations of Euclidean Geometry by Henry George Forder 12 copies
Foundations of the theory of algebraic numbers by Harris Hancock 1 copy
Foundations of the Theory of Algebraic Numbers (Volume 2) The General Theory by Harris Hancock 3 copies
Fourier Integral and Certain of Its Applications by Norbert Wiener 53 copies, 1 review
Geometry of Four Dimensions by Henry Parker Manning 24 copies, 1 review
Greek mathematics by Sir Thomas L. Heath 3 copies
Handbook of Mathematical Functions: with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables by Milton Abramowitz 420 copies, 1 review
Higher Mathematics for Students of Chemistry and Physics by Joseph William Mellor 22 copies
Infinite Matrices and Sequence Spaces by Richard G. Cooke 11 copies
Infinite Sequences and Series by Konrad Knopp 82 copies
Information theory by Stanford Goldman 14 copies
Information Theory and Statistics by Solomon Kullback 70 copies
An Introduction to the Calculus of Finite Differences and Difference Equations by Kenneth S. Miller 7 copies
An introduction to abstract algebra by Cyrus Colton MacDuffee 10 copies
Introduction to Bessel Functions (Dover Books on Mathematics) by Frank Bowman 58 copies
Introduction to elliptic functions with applications by Frank Bowman 12 copies
An introduction to Fourier methods and the Laplace transformation by Philip Franklin 14 copies
Introduction to higher algebra by Maxime Bocher 19 copies
An introduction to linear difference equations by Paul M. Batchelder 2 copies
An Introduction to Mathematical Probability by Julian Lowell Coolidge 5 copies
Introduction to Matrices and Vectors by Jacob T. Schwartz 16 copies
Introduction to mechanics of continua by William Prager 6 copies
Introduction to Nonlinear Differential and Integral Equations by Harold T. Davis 81 copies
Introduction to physical statistics by Robert Bruce Lindsay 9 copies
Introduction to the differential equations of physics by Ludwig Hopf 11 copies
An introduction to the geometry of n dimensions by D. M. Y. Sommerville 19 copies
An introduction to the theory of equations. by Florian Cajori 3 copies
Introduction to the theory of Fourier's series and integrals by H. S. Carslaw 47 copies
Introduction to the Theory of Groups of Finite Order by R. D. Carmichael 29 copies
Introduction to the Theory of Numbers by Leonard E. Dickson 27 copies
An introduction to the theory of stationary random functions by A. M. Yaglom 19 copies
An Investigation of the Laws of Thought on Which Are Founded the Mathematical Theories of Logic and Probabilities by George Boole 309 copies
Laplace Transforms and Their Applications to Differential Equations (Dover Books on Mathematics) by N. W. McLachlan 6 copies
Lectures on Matrices by J. H. M. Wedderburn 18 copies
Lectures on the Icosahedron and the Solution of the Fifth Degree by Felix Klein 18 copies
Lectures on the theory of functions of real variables by James Pierpont 8 copies
Linear Algebra and Group Theory by Vladimir I. Smirnov 24 copies
Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory (Dover Books on Mathematics) by Robert R. Stoll 25 copies
Linear Groups by Leonard Eugene Dickson 16 copies
Logic by William Ernest Johnson 10 copies
Logic (The Logical Foundations of Science) Part III by W. E. Johnson 4 copies
Logic, Part 1: Propositions and relations by William Ernest Johnson 1 copy
Logic, Part 2: Demonstrative Inference : deductive and inductive by William Ernest Johnson 1 copy
Mathematical Foundations of Information Theory by A. Ya. Khinchin 164 copies, 2 reviews
Mathematical Foundations of Statistical Mechanics by A. I. Khinchin 85 copies, 2 reviews
Mathematical tables of elementary and some higher mathematical functions by Herbert Bristol Dwight 9 copies
Modern theories of integration by Hyman Kestelman 14 copies
Non-Euclidean Geometry: A Critical and Historical Study of its Development by Roberto Bonola 147 copies
Numerical Integration of Differential Equations by Albert A. Bennett 5 copies
Numerical Solution of Differential Equations by William Edmund Milne 19 copies
Numerical Solutions of Differential Equations by H. Levy 5 copies
On invariants and the theory of numbers by Leonard E. Dickson 3 copies
ON RIEMANN'S THEORY OF ALGEBRAIC FUNCTIONS AND THEIR INTEGRALS: A Supplement to the Usual Treatises by Felix Klein 20 copies
Operational Methods in Applied Mathematics by H. S. Carslaw 16 copies
Ordinary Differential Equations by Edward L. Ince 95 copies
Ordinary differential equations by I. G. PetrovskiÄ­ 2 copies
Physics (Teach Yourself) by David Bryant 13 copies
Problems and Solutions in Euclidean Geometry (Dover Books on Mathematics) by M.N. Aref 15 copies
Radiative Transfer by Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar 66 copies
Regular Polytopes by H. S. M. Coxeter 128 copies, 1 review
Selected Papers on Coherence & Fluctuations of Light (1850-1966) by Leonard Mandel 3 copies
Selected papers on mathematical trends in control theory by Richard Ernest Bellman 7 copies
Selected papers on noise and stochastic processes by Nelson Wax 53 copies
Sequential Analysis by Abraham Wald 35 copies
Solid analytical geometry and determinants by Arnold Dresden 6 copies
Some Theory of Sampling by W. Edwards Deming 43 copies
Stability theory of differential equations by Richard Bellman 19 copies
Statistics Manual by Edwin L. Crow 59 copies
Summable series and convergence factors by Charles Napoleon Moore 4 copies
Summation of Series by L. B. W. Jolley 36 copies
A Survey of Symbolic Logic by C.I Lewis 27 copies
Symbolic Logic by Clarence Irving Lewis 54 copies, 1 review
Tables of Functions With Formulas and Curves by Eugene Jahnke 57 copies, 1 review
Tables of Indefinite Integrals by G. Petit Bois 21 copies
Theory of Functionals and of Integral and Integro-Differential Equations by Vito Volterra 4 copies
The theory of functions of a real variable and the theory of Fourier's series by Ernest William Hobson 13 copies
The Theory of Functions of a Real Variable and the Theory of Fourier's Series (Volume 1) by Ernest William Hobson 7 copies
Theory of groups of finite order by W. Burnside 34 copies
Theory of Maxima and Minima by Harris Hancock 11 copies
Theory of Sets by Erich Kamke 91 copies
The theory of sound, Volume 1 by John William Strutt, Baron Rayleigh 50 copies
The theory of sound, Volume 2 by John William Strutt, Baron Rayleigh 44 copies
The theory of sound, Volumes 1 and 2 by Baron John William Strutt Rayleigh 28 copies
Theory of the integral by Stanislaw Saks 17 copies
Topics in the theory of functions of several complex variables by William F. Osgood 3 copies
A Treatise on Advanced Calculus by Philip Franklin 8 copies
A Treatise on Algebraic Plane Curves by Julian Lowell Coolidge 19 copies
A treatise on Bessel functions and their applications to physics by Andrew Gray 8 copies
A university algebra by Dudley Ernest Littlewood 9 copies
Vector Analysis with an Introduction to Tensor Analysis by A. P. Wills 13 copies
Vector and Tensor Analysis by Nathaniel Coburn 4 copies

Collections and Selections

