Publisher SeriesDover Books on Biology, Psychology, and Medicine

The Anatomical Exercises: De Motu Cordis and De Circulatione Sanguinis in English Translation (Dover Books on Biology) by William Harvey 116 copies, 1 review
The Art and Science of Homeopathic Medicine by James Tyler Kent 6 copies
Desert Animals: Physiological Problems of Heat and Water by Knut Schmidt-Nielsen 10 copies
Dr. Montessori's Own Handbook by Maria Montessori 266 copies, 3 reviews
Experiments and Observations on the Gastric Juice and the Physiology of Digestion by William Beaumont 32 copies
The History of Bacteriology by William Bulloch 6 copies
Introduction to Mathematical Biology by S. I. Rubinow 17 copies
Mathematical Techniques for Biology and Medicine (Dover Books on Biology) by William Simon 24 copies
Mendel's Principles of Heredity by William Bateson 16 copies
The Microscope and How to Use It by Dr. Georg Stehli 60 copies, 1 review
Notes on Nursing: What It Is, and What It Is Not by Florence Nightingale 342 copies, 5 reviews
Paranormal and Transcendental Experience: A Psychological Examination by Andrew Neher 33 copies
The Path to the Double Helix: The Discovery of DNA (Dover Books on Biology) by Robert Olby 43 copies
The Principles of Psychology by William James 766 copies, 2 reviews
Principles of Psychology Vol. 1 by William James 383 copies
Principles of Psychology Volume 2 by William James 298 copies, 1 review
The Principles of Psychology, Vol. 3: Notes, Appendixes, Apparatus, General Index (The Works of William James) by William James 6 copies
The psychology and behaviour of animals in zoos and circuses by H. Hediger 13 copies
Quantitative zoology by George Gaylord Simpson 19 copies
The Rat: A Practical Guide: A Dissection Manual by Thomas Arthur Goodwill Wells 4 copies
Short History of Anatomy from the Greeks to Harvey by Charles Singer 30 copies
Sigmund Freud and the Jewish Mystical Tradition by David Bakan 108 copies, 1 review
Source Book of Medical History by Logan Clendening 73 copies
Talks to Teachers on Psychology and to Students on Some of Life's Ideals (Dover Books on Biology, Psychology, and Medicine) by William James 171 copies, 1 review
The Triumph of the Darwinian Method by Michael T. Ghiselin 41 copies
The Triumph of the Embryo by Lewis Wolpert 58 copies
The uniqueness of the individual by P. B. Medawar 33 copies
Visual Illusions by Matthew Luckiesh 126 copies
Wild Animals in Captivity by Heini Hediger 24 copies, 1 review

