SeriesAssimil Langues de poche
89 Works
Popularity 41,734 (137 Members)
282 Books
0 Reviews
Assimil : L'Arabe tunisien [incorrect tiltle/ISBN] 0 copies | arabe tunisien |
Assimil : L'Arabe égyptien [incorrect title/ISBN] 1 copy | arabe égyptien |
Assimil : Le Croate [incorrect title/ISBN] by Dragoslav Jovanovic 1 copy | croate |
Assimil : L'Hébreu [incorrect title/ISBN] 1 copy | hébreu |
Assimil : Le Vietnamien [incorrect ISBN/title] by Monika Heyder 1 copy | vietnamien |
DescriptionsEdit Descriptions
- Works in this series are French adaptations from the German series Kauderwelsch Wort für Wort. There is a different MDS classification for phrase books for readers of French from that for phrasebooks for readers of German. Therefore the books from the two series should not be combined. (English, Technical/disambiguation notice)
Other Names
French: Assimil Guide de conversation
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